Are fans required in order to advertise on the Facebook news feed?

3 replies
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Before I go and ask Facebook directly, I figured I'd first try here. I am still learning about Facebook ads.

Let's say I wanted to promote a CPA offer using a landing page. From what I've read, news feeds tend to have better CTR's than right-side ads. However, you must have a fan page. My questions is, would this type of ad only show up if the page has fans? Otherwise, I will do some testing with the right-side panel, which I know does not require a fan page. Thank you in advance.
#advertise #facebook #facebook ad #fans #feed #news #news feed #order #required
  • Profile picture of the author Ledux
    You need to have a fan page, but the fan page doesn't need to have fans. Also, you aren't restricted to promoting only to your fans so, no problem here.
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  • Profile picture of the author SobeDragon
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  • Profile picture of the author kevinkavanagh
    Ledux is right here

    I ran a split test and bought advertisement to a page with no likes and another with over 200 likes and the results surprised me

    I got more likes and optins from the fan page with 200 likes than the one without.

    Why did this happen ?
    Simple the trust factor,people went to the fan page with more activity on it
    and seem to trust it more

    Run you own test and see what happens
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