877 clicks and no sale.. I'm very frustrated

Profile picture of MetallicaFan
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
41 replies

I started with Bing PPC a few weeks ago
I spend more than $200, and even no one sale.
I don't know what I am doing wrong..
I tried 2 different offers from Clickbank in 2 different niches (dog training and weight loss)
The offers was popular with high gravity
The keywords I chose on Bing was targeted
The CTR was high (2.00%-3.00%)
I do direct linking by the way, it has to do with it?

Thank you guys.
#877 #clicks #frustrated #sale
  • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
    Profile picture of Synnuh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Try starting out with email submits and lower budgets.

    CB products are harder to promote especially for beginners.

    I learned that the hard way ;/

    Direct linking to the sales page is a big culprit.

    If you're going to keep promoting CB products try pre-selling them before you send them to the sales page.
  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Profile picture of cooler1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Direct linking doesn't convert well generally particularly for offers that require a sale because the visitors aren't pre-warmed. When I did direct linking with Bing PPC and Clickbank, it took about 700 clicks to make one sale.

    If you send the traffic to a squeeze page, you'll have a list which you could gently pre-sell the product to. This seems the best route.

    Are you serving your ads to smartphone and tablet users? Keep in mind that ads are served to smartphone and tablet users by default.

  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Profile picture of jamescanz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    I spend more than $200, and even no one sale.
    I don't know what I am doing wrong..
    My guess is you are paying WAY too much per click.

    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    I tried 2 different offers from Clickbank in 2 different niches (dog training and weight loss)
    I'd rather see you tackle weight loss rather than dog training.

    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    I do direct linking by the way, it has to do with it?
    I've made plenty of conversions direct linking...

    However it depends on how the offer / landing page is optimized.

    Overall, congrats on taking action...

    You're already ahead of most by doing so.
  • Profile picture of the author a1marketing
    Profile picture of a1marketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What you need to do is bid on the Clickbank product's name (always check that they allow it, most do). You will get sales I guarantee it. Don't use content, bid on search only and use broad match but make sure you add as many negative keywords you can think of such as free, crack, etc. which won't result in any sales.

    If direct linking add the words "review" and "reviews" to your negative keyword list too. Doing this you will capture some great long tail "buyer traffic". Also find out who the author of the product is and bid on his or her name. Create a different ad group for this.

    Always create 2 ads and keep the one with the highest CTR. I like to bid fairly high to begin with. Bing usually charges you a lot less than what you bid.

    By the way ignore gravity on Clickbank and ignore any so called gurus who like to preach about picking high gravity products to promote. They talk nonsense. Some of the best converting products have gravity less than 5. Look at the sales page, would you buy from it? If so then that's all you need to know.

    If you have any trouble PM me the name of the product you are wanting to promote and I'll create a targeted keyword list for you
  • Profile picture of the author viesal
    Profile picture of viesal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my experience Pay Per Click marketing doesn't convert very well and is very expensive. My advice would be to boost your SEO to move up the rankings which you can do for free and get high quality traffic for your website.
  • Profile picture of the author creztor
    Profile picture of creztor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    And there you have it. Not as easy as the gurus want you to believe. There is so much that could be the source of your problem. What is your traffic source? What offer are you pushing? How have you worded your ad? The list goes on and on. I'd try and get some vouchers or something that give you $x of free adwords funds and at least begin testing that way.
    • Profile picture of the author NeshSab
      Profile picture of NeshSab
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I think two of the main issues here are:

      1. Keywords are not targeted enough / Poor keywords
      2. Your keywords are broad match, and that brings a lot of wasted clicks.
  • Profile picture of the author wesleywinter
    Profile picture of wesleywinter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When I promote Clickbank products via PPC I always capture emails before I send the prospect through to the offer.

    That way if they don't buy I will have their email and I can sale them via my Autoresponder.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael S M
    Michael S M
    Profile picture of Michael S M
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Focus on getting one campaign profitable before jumping onto another. Jumping between niches is a certain way to break your budget and take away all your motivation.

    Pick a niche, learn how to track, test and optimize PPC campaigns and give it your best to get ONE campaign profitable.
  • Profile picture of the author Rafay Zafar
    Rafay Zafar
    Profile picture of Rafay Zafar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    no body is going to buy books from ppc. even if they do your cost per conversion will be higher than the profit margin from the sale of the book.

    you should use ppc to build a list of prospects and then sell them the book via an email auto responder series.
    • Profile picture of the author a1marketing
      Profile picture of a1marketing
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Rafay Zafar View Post

      no body is going to buy books from ppc. even if they do your cost per conversion will be higher than the profit margin from the sale of the book.

      you should use ppc to build a list of prospects and then sell them the book via an email auto responder series.
      Not true. It's easy to sell books directly using PPC and get a great ROI. You just have to know what you are doing.
  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Profile picture of winnermarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    887 click and 200$ spend. this mean you spent 0,22$/click. I think is too much.

    Maybe the keywords are not really so targeted!

    Anyway maybe 887 click is not so much
    to guarantee conversion.

    you should increase the "converter factor",

    Direct click at squeeze page + blog + mailing list is the way to ensure hight convertion rate

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  • Profile picture of the author a1marketing
    Profile picture of a1marketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Another thing you can do is put the price of the product in your ad. This will help to eliminate the non buyers. Download a report of all the 800+ search terms and go through them all and it's likely none of them had any intent to buy.

    The key to getting a good ROI using PPC is to focus on the searcher's intent and bid only on keywords where someone is very interested in what you are promoting.

    Example: Say you want to promote "The 3 Week Diet" which is a weight loss product on Clickbank. The very last thing you want to do is to bid on keywords such as "how to lose weight" or "lose weight quickly". These are not targeted keyword phrases. They will simply waste you money. You need to go straight for the money keywords which are:

    3 week diet
    3 week diet reviews
    3 week diet review
    3 week diet plan
    3 week diet system
    3 week diet diet manual
    3 week diet book
    3 week diet ebook
    3 week diet brian flatt
    brian flatt 3 week diet
    brian flatt 3 week diet reviews
    brian flatt 3 week diet plan
    reviews on the 3 week diet system
    where to buy the 3 week diet system
    buy the 3 week diet system

    Then change the number "3" with the word "three" to create more targeted buyer phrases. Use Google Instant to uncover more. Keep building the list. The above is just a small sample of real Google searches for this product.

    Now some phrases people use will not appear in Google Instant, so you need to use broad match to capture them. Some people type in unique long tail phrases such as:

    where can i purchase 3 week diet by brian flatt or brian flatt 3 wk diet plan where to buy

    That kind of thing. These are laser targeted keywords, ones that are guaranteed to put bars in your CB account.

    Do this for every single Clickbank product you want to promote. Forget all general keywords, only go for product name keywords and you can't go wrong.
  • Profile picture of the author RafaelThaGreat
    Profile picture of RafaelThaGreat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    877 Clicks and zero conversions are NOT targeted keywords buddy.

    You need to trim down to your keyword lists to 7-10 keywords to start, exact match preferably. Keywords need to be very targeted and BUYING keywords.

    If your offers landing page looks decent, keep direct linking using your smaller keyword list. After 50 or so clicks you should have enough data to not keep burning through cash. Adjust your buying keywords if necessary.

    Next you can send them to your own landing page and try and grab an email to sell on the backend. Experiment in steps like this, don't change too many variables at the same time.

    My first PPC campaign I did ZERO research beforehand, lost $150 and only got 7 conversions.

    It wouldn't hurt to take a Udemy course on Bing PPC if you were smart and wanted to do things right the first time.

    Good luck!

    I plan to rule the world.... Starting Monday.

  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jenkins
    Bill Jenkins
    Profile picture of Bill Jenkins
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    I would need to see your campaign to determine exactly what is going wrong. Something is clearly amiss to be producing numbers like that...

    Is the traffic tightly targeted to your landing pages content? Does the landing page have good copy? Are you using an opt in page and doing a follow up sequence on the leads? Is the follow up sequence properly put together and compelling?

    Many factors converge to create a winning campaign.

    I personally don't enjoy PPC. I still use it for certain niche markets but I much prefer a online/offline fusion method to obtain my traffic. Purl postcards and trade publication magazines are my go to favorites. They are far more simple to utilize compared to online traffic sources like PPC and also produce higher quality traffic in my experience.

    PM me if you want any clarification...

  • Profile picture of the author MikeTX
    Profile picture of MikeTX
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1. How many clicks did you get?
    2. are you sure that keywords you targeted were buyer keywords?

    the reason could be anywhere, really...
  • Profile picture of the author Riccur
    Profile picture of Riccur
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It seems like the keywords may not have been targeted to buyers of your products, but instead people who are looking to find more information about the products. I would focus on different keywords to get the sales flying in.
  • Profile picture of the author Grensin14
    Profile picture of Grensin14
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    you can agree or disagree but it's all about sales funnel and email follow ups...you will never be successful until you start to build the list... plain and simple...
  • Profile picture of the author MetallicaFan
    Profile picture of MetallicaFan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My keywords are "fast weight loss", "quick weight loss"
    Maybe that's the reason ?
  • Profile picture of the author maxweb
    Profile picture of maxweb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Focus on different keywords. Proper use of keywords is one of the most important things. Try other channels as well, I personally find social networks really helpful in increasing visits and then sales. Best of luck
    Find out how to earn money online !!!
  • Profile picture of the author EllieThomos
    Profile picture of EllieThomos
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1. Keywords are not targeted enough / Poor keywords
    2.Check your Destination link maybe your destination link worng

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  • Profile picture of the author sharplessons
    Profile picture of sharplessons
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You paid much, but did not get any sale? I think you have forget important thing. Either your product or services are lacking some quality or probably you have to see other options to market your product.
  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    Profile picture of derekwong28
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have promoted both the online dog trainer and 3 week diet without any results. I gave up after 100 clicks each. So you are not the only person who did not get any results with them.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Profile picture of cooler1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      I have promoted both the online dog trainer and 3 week diet without any results. I gave up after 100 clicks each. So you are not the only person who did not get any results with them.
      Was that via direct linking or using a landing page?

    • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
      Profile picture of esmarshall
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      I have promoted both the online dog trainer and 3 week diet without any results. I gave up after 100 clicks each. So you are not the only person who did not get any results with them.
      I Definitely Wouldn't Give Up After A 100 Clicks..
      Are You Using A Lead Capture Page?
      $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
    • Profile picture of the author TAHERSYED34
      Profile picture of TAHERSYED34
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      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      I have promoted both the online dog trainer and 3 week diet without any results. I gave up after 100 clicks each. So you are not the only person who did not get any results with them.
      pish tosh......... i amm not a guru nor have i sold anything online wtih the exception of selling on ebay but 100 clicks is not enough to collect data and measure improvements, am i right?? I think $15 is enough for a budget to measure results; you dont want to spend over 100 bucks to test a product with ppc
  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    Profile picture of esmarshall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I Would Definitely Recommend Building A Lead Capture Page First, The Percentage Of First Time Buying Usually Isn't That High, So It Requires Some Followup...By Email or Telephone

    If You Can Turn Even A Few Of These Prospects Into Buyers And Look After Them (By Offering Helpful Information)

    They Can Become Repeat Buyers And Thats Worth ALOT!
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post


    I started with Bing PPC a few weeks ago
    I spend more than $200, and even no one sale.
    I don't know what I am doing wrong..
    I tried 2 different offers from Clickbank in 2 different niches (dog training and weight loss)
    The offers was popular with high gravity
    The keywords I chose on Bing was targeted
    The CTR was high (2.00%-3.00%)
    I do direct linking by the way, it has to do with it?

    Thank you guys.
    It's not rocket surgery, your web pages suck.
  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    Profile picture of derekwong28
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was direct linking just like the OP was in this thread. I was using highly targeted keywords that I expect the conversion rate to be over 1 in 100. I could have removed the board match option but that would have led to much fewer traffic. I don't usually continue with a campaign if the ROI is less than 100%.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

    • Profile picture of the author MTVida
      Profile picture of MTVida
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Here's a question:

      When you look at your reports, are you getting order form impressions on the offer?

      If not, you may be promoting the wrong producuts. If the gravity is super high, that's a sign that there's a lot of competition. Idealy, I would go for a product with a gravity between 20 and 60.

      Not every product you promote will be a winner. Most won't be. If you've only tested 2 products, I wouldn't expect you to pull out a winner.

      It could also be a sign that you need to select more targeted keywords.
    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Profile picture of dburk
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      I was direct linking just like the OP was in this thread. I was using highly targeted keywords that I expect the conversion rate to be over 1 in 100. I could have removed the board match option but that would have led to much fewer traffic. I don't usually continue with a campaign if the ROI is less than 100%.
      Hi derekwong28,

      You cannot use broad match keywords and claim to be highly targeted, one requires the absence of the other.

      Broad match traffic is a little bit of highly targeted traffic mixed with lots of poorly targeted traffic.

      And yes, if you remove the poorly targeted (broad match) traffic from you campaigns it definitely should result in much less (poorly targeted) traffic. That is a good thing, not a bad thing. If you want good results you need highly targeted traffic, not lots of poorly targeted traffic.
    • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
      Profile picture of esmarshall
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      I was direct linking just like the OP was in this thread. I was using highly targeted keywords that I expect the conversion rate to be over 1 in 100. I could have removed the board match option but that would have led to much fewer traffic. I don't usually continue with a campaign if the ROI is less than 100%.

      Focus On Getting The Leads, Don't Rely On The First Time Sale

      Specific Is Better And Cheaper, Generally You Need To Be A Household Name In Your Niche Or Have Really Deep Pockets To Go After The Broad Audience

      I Would Also Ditch The "100% ROI Or Nothing" Mentality Because Even If You BreakEven On Your Ad Campaign....Its Still Free Leads, That Can Be Targeted With Followups And Future Offers

      As Long As You Ain't Losing Money....You're Good
      $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Profile picture of maxsi
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    Our experts have invested $200 on Bing (test budget)
    - 1,020+ clicks
    - 273 leads in our list (29.7% conversion)
  • Profile picture of the author MarkoTomas
    Profile picture of MarkoTomas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey man, the moust importent thing is ectualy not to get frustrated!! Just started a Page my self and its starting to go good now! I god frustrated in the beginning to, but i learnd that that Was not smart! Found a good Page that helpt me alot! And i am greateful for IT!! Its Calld Internet Marketing Expert. Check IT out, You learn alot!
  • Profile picture of the author samkavin
    Profile picture of samkavin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    May be your landing page is not up-to to the mark or may be customer not interested to your product or you can change your target area
  • Profile picture of the author clockface
    Profile picture of clockface
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Lots of people think if they get the traffic they will automatically make the sales. It's pretty silly really. That's about 25% of the battle. The rest is what you are offering.
  • Profile picture of the author web2click
    Profile picture of web2click
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Be patient i think you have to promote on Facebook . facebook user are very effecting in buying specially weightloss products target your country , age, interest you are done but dont pull all your money. start with little try and test is better.
  • Profile picture of the author TB Ann
    TB Ann
    Profile picture of TB Ann
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post


    I started with Bing PPC a few weeks ago
    I spend more than $200, and even no one sale.
    I don't know what I am doing wrong..
    I tried 2 different offers from Clickbank in 2 different niches (dog training and weight loss)
    The offers was popular with high gravity
    The keywords I chose on Bing was targeted
    The CTR was high (2.00%-3.00%)
    I do direct linking by the way, it has to do with it?

    Thank you guys.
    Direct linking has less conversion than landing page.
    You should try again with new landing page.
    SELL & BUY Adult Traffic
  • Profile picture of the author chukswealth
    Profile picture of chukswealth
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The weight loss niche is highly competitive, full of expert in the field. i'll advice you check the key words other expert affiliates are using and mimic. secondly you'll have to be a little patient and most importantly get your buyers to opt in into a funnel where you can sell to them later, in fact the money is in the list. customers barely slot in their credit card to buy at first sight of any product but with consistent messages of the same or similar product, gradually the sale would start rolling in. hope this helps
  • Profile picture of the author HammerNiko
    Profile picture of HammerNiko
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Better use a product with a video on the sales page that you are willing to buy!

    Upload to YouTube or other video sharing site.

    Put your autoresponder / squeeze page link under the video with a call-to-click.

    Collect email contacts and sales.

    And better use AdWords (depending on your budget and other factors)


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