Best Strategy For Managing 8 Almost Identical Websites?

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I run a real estate practice and have set up 8 separate domains with almost identical landing pages. The only differences, in both the domain names and landing page text, are references to different geographical areas.

I'd like to serve ads to all 8 landing pages. I'm fairly experiences with running AdWords to a single domain (spent over a million bucks of my own money on it in the past 6 years!) but am stuck as to how to manage these 8 domains.

All will have roughly the same keywords, again just with slight changes to reflect geography.

Am I good to set up 8 campaigns (one for each site) under on AdWords account? Or should be I be registering a new Gmail address and AdWords account for each domain?

Just want to do what's most efficient yet better for account optimization. Thanks!
#identical #managing #strategy #websites
  • You said it: set up 8 different campaigns, each targeting the geographic area you want. From what you are saying, you also want to use geo-keywords. So you'd have say a Toronto campaign (your location shows Ontario) with keywords such as "real estate agent toronto" and another campaign for Markham with "real estate agent markham" keywords and another for all the surrounding areas you want to target.

    Of course, if you use just "real estate agent" as your keywords in each of the 8 campaigns, only one will be eligible to show from the same account. If you use eight different accounts, that would work but also against the Adwords TOS since they are all controlled by the same person or company, a great way to get banned.

    One account is fine and makes things easier, as long as you don't break any rules. I would have just one domain too to make things easy and have a page for each location.
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