Newbie questions about the adwords display network

by ncloud
3 replies
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I have some questions about advertising on the adwords display network:

Do you have to have both a text and and banner ads on the display network? Or can you just do a text ad? I heard it depends on the website they're displayed on as to whether it shows your ad as text or as a banner. So does that mean you have to have both?

Where do you guys get your banner ads created from and how do you know what sizes you need for the Adwords display network?
#adwords #banner ad #display #display network #network #newbie #questions
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny

    Make the banner
    headline red and blue color. tool and use 300x250 as a measure. Then write red bold and blue cta text
    underlined (emphasizes it by putting us a simple line line below).

    go to google adwords --- banner display
    and put keyword and then take the placement ideas
    and then individual targeting ideas
    keywords have to look similar
    20 keywords about

    Go to advanced campaign and choose display network
    manually choose cpc not enhanced
    and choose accelerated
    default bid 0.50
    then put keywords display and copy the keywords found

    Then choose IMAGE AD not text. in the name give a name for your reference.

    IMPORTANT IMAGES: go to settings, devices and put down 100%
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  • You can have only text ads in your display campaign. In fact, I suggest have only one size ad per group (ie: a group for text ads, another for 728x90 banners...) to make things more manageable. You don't need to have every banner size but it does cover all bases if you do. Or stick to the most popular sizes which are 468 x 60, 728 x 90, 250 x 250. If you find a site you want to advertise on that uses another such as the skyscraper 120 x 600, then it's in your best interest to have an ad in such a size. There are also a few mobile-specific sizes.

    You can look at a site's HTML code to see which sizes they use. Note that they can change and why I say to create an ad in all sizes. You can also see it in Adwords. I don't do this often so can't remember off the top of my head how but it can be done.

    I believe there's also a setting that publishers can use that can show a text ad as a banner. You've probably seen these ads. They are definitely text but shown in a banner size. Could be Google that does this at its discretion and not a publisher setting. That's why it's important to have text ads.

    You can create your image ads using any graphics tool you have. I've created many myself using Paint that comes with Windows. I'm not a graphic artist so these were usually very simple. Something like Photoshop would be much better with features that make things easier and faster than Paint. You could hire a graphic artist.

    The sizes you can use are:

    Banner: 468 x 60
    Leaderboard: 728 x 90
    Square: 250 x 250
    Large rectangle: 336 x 280
    Inline rectangle: 300 x 250
    Skyscraper: 120 x 600
    Vertical rectangle: 240 x 400
    Mobile leaderboard: 320 x 50
    Small square: 200 x 200
    Wide skyscraper: 160 x 600
    Half-page: 300 x 600
    Large leaderboard: 970x90
    Large mobile banner: 320 x 100
    Billboard: 970 x 250
    Portrait: 300 x 1050

    Acceptable formats: .gif, .jpg, .png, .swf
    The resulting file size must be less than 50 kbytes. If you start off with a high-res image, you'll need to decrease the color depth and other tricks to make it fit in the required file size. I believe Photoshop can do this but I use Irfanview (freely available). Changing the images file format will do this as well. The .gif format is usually the one resulting in the lowest file size, at the expense of a lesser quality image but this is not an issue in most cases.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrvm1
    Thats a great helpful response, thanks lucidwebmarketing
    Less work More money More time

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