How to Properly Do Facebook Ads

21 replies
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I see so many of you are lost on fb ads. And here I will give you a short summary how we do ads this is especially for Ecom. Same Strategy will work and has worked with other Niches.
1. Do product research and see competitors who are successful. Spy the see their ads copies see their retargeting see their funnel. If you really want to hack the whole thing, buy amd buy upsells and take note of all these upsells.
Create similar funnel with similar email follow up and similar ad copies and so on. NB am saying similar not same. Install fb pixell and google analytics code on all pages.
2. Create a convertion campaign optimised for purchases, even if your account is new.
3. Create 3 adsets with $3-$5 ad budget. Target a small audience of not more than 200k audience.
4. Each adset Create 3 ad copy every thing same with variation of the ad image.
Depending on the product in this ads of the other adsets split test different thing like different angle different ad copy. NB at every point only 1 element changes with the rest remaining constant.
5. Leave this to run for 3 days if sale. Continue optimising if No sale. Move on 2 other product.
If sales let ad run for other 3 days. And see if more sales. Look at best converting ads. Increase budget to $10. And continue running winning ads n shut the loosing ads.
6. Split test different elements on your funnels eg split test headlines, split test colours, split test buttons. Now u get the highest converting funnel.
Create other $10 campaigns. 10 or so targeting audince not more than 200k size. As you create this. Check from your previus results what kinda audience gave you convertions. Age group, male or female, on pc or on mobiles, further on android or IOS and use these settings
Continue this till u get 500 purchases. I would sometimes do $5 adets 20 of them. Kindly note as these ads are running your $20 a day retargeting on fb and google is running.
Once u get to 500 sales create look alike shut of all targeting audinece and use look alike. Keep the converting settings of age and so on.
Time to scale if the ROAS is 2 or more keep increasing the budget of adset. $20 adsets. Run 20 30 or however many u can handle. Small budgets keeps convertion costs lower. And them it depends on traffic you are making from your upsells and follow ups.
Thats how we do it. Hope it helps someone who already know basics of fb ads.
#ads #facebook #properly
  • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
    Originally Posted by Samfakroon View Post

    I see so many of you are lost on fb ads. And here I will give you a short summary how we do ads this is especially for Ecom. Same Strategy will work and has worked with other Niches.
    1. Do product research and see competitors who are successful. Spy the see their ads copies see their retargeting see their funnel. If you really want to hack the whole thing, buy amd buy upsells and take note of all these upsells.
    Create similar funnel with similar email follow up and similar ad copies and so on. NB am saying similar not same. Install fb pixell and google analytics code on all pages.
    2. Create a convertion campaign optimised for purchases, even if your account is new.
    3. Create 3 adsets with $3-$5 ad budget. Target a small audience of not more than 200k audience.
    4. Each adset Create 3 ad copy every thing same with variation of the ad image.
    Depending on the product in this ads of the other adsets split test different thing like different angle different ad copy. NB at every point only 1 element changes with the rest remaining constant.
    5. Leave this to run for 3 days if sale. Continue optimising if No sale. Move on 2 other product.
    If sales let ad run for other 3 days. And see if more sales. Look at best converting ads. Increase budget to $10. And continue running winning ads n shut the loosing ads.
    6. Split test different elements on your funnels eg split test headlines, split test colours, split test buttons. Now u get the highest converting funnel.
    Create other $10 campaigns. 10 or so targeting audince not more than 200k size. As you create this. Check from your previus results what kinda audience gave you convertions. Age group, male or female, on pc or on mobiles, further on android or IOS and use these settings
    Continue this till u get 500 purchases. I would sometimes do $5 adets 20 of them. Kindly note as these ads are running your $20 a day retargeting on fb and google is running.
    Once u get to 500 sales create look alike shut of all targeting audinece and use look alike. Keep the converting settings of age and so on.
    Time to scale if the ROAS is 2 or more keep increasing the budget of adset. $20 adsets. Run 20 30 or however many u can handle. Small budgets keeps convertion costs lower. And them it depends on traffic you are making from your upsells and follow ups.
    Thats how we do it. Hope it helps someone who already know basics of fb ads.
    Appreciate the advice, thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Doherty
    Wow! You've simplified this so well! There are many scam artists on the internet just looking to make a quick buck. I'm glad there are still people that give out this information to put the scammers out of business!

    Well done Samfakroon
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  • Profile picture of the author Vitor Krepsky
    Do you have any tips for facebook ads lead-gen strategies?
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  • Profile picture of the author blackbodhisattva
    I'd say you got some good points overall but if you're talking North America - $3-5 a day ad budget just doesn't cut it anymore.

    I'd also say - again North America - more specifically the US - a good prospecting audience starts out at 2-5 million and then you can scale down to less than 1 million for re-targeting efforts. Good points for the most part though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anterpreet Kaur
    What will you suggest for Indian real estate market?
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  • Wonderful suggestion that I have ever found here.
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  • Profile picture of the author martworld
    This is a wonder guide to run a successful ad on FB, thanks a ton.
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  • Profile picture of the author ibramster
    Thank you for your excellent post, very helpful and insightful. I shall post this as a thread as well as I am asking for the task of discovering how to do targeting on Facebook properly. It is so confusing as whilst there may be a main interest of the niche people are in this then deviates wildly when it comes to other interests the people in the niche may have.
    Example Yoga as a main niche (just the next word I wrote). Off we go and target yoga. Well where do we go after that? DO we do what everyone else does and target yoga or do we go and look for other interests these people may share, I don't know, let's use another random word, Aromatherapy, and say crochet.
    The problem I have, and I am 100% sure I am not alone is people's interests are so varied and targeting needs to be so precise. How do we match the two please, anyone?
    Signature Direct marketing coach and guest writer. I write content for you and we split 50/50 any sales that happen. PM me to see if we can help each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezrankings
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    • Profile picture of the author ibramster
      ezrankings you wrote
      Target your audience. ...
      I looked at the site via your link and found not a lot of detail as to how to target an audience. There are so many stories out there from so many agencies and nothing being shown to anyone starting out that can not yet afford an agency.

      People are asking, and one of them is me, how do we find those to target precisely? Yes you can go by all the areas FB gives you like age etc you can go by pages they 'may' like. Seems like a lot of guessing and spending to find out which guess works best.
      I say guess as if we are targeting bodybuilders, then yes they may like health related pages. They could also be interested in fishing or travel or camping or car mechanics. There are so many interests it beggars belief. Now if we stay with the generic interests then we and a lot of others are competing for the same ad space and prices go up ROI goes down.
      How does the little man survive in all this, how do we manage to find the people that would buy or at best become a lead. Seems like a lot of trial and error to find that one, or two, audiences that give the good to excellent responses.
      I suppose that I am trying to find a simpler and less time and money consuming way to reach a target audience and I find it no where. Yes I have searched Google, Bing, Youtube and FB. The results are far from impressive. Is there anyone that can clear, and is willing to, this up for the little man?
      Signature Direct marketing coach and guest writer. I write content for you and we split 50/50 any sales that happen. PM me to see if we can help each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigdaddycash
    Your concern raises the need for fb ad agency to help the little guy. It probably boils down to cost/profits. The little guy doesn't have the money upfront to pay what it would take to make it profitable for the fb ad agency to take on smaller accounts. Unless the profits were there. Would you be willing to pay more if you were getting 500 sales? 1000 sales? The ad agency typically charges 10-50% of ad spend with expenses included. Would you pay more if you got more results than what you are getting now?
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  • Profile picture of the author hsvdm
    Wow you have done a great job to summarize the content in a understandable way to anyone who is new to the industry. Appreciate the advice and the summarization of this. As there are lots and lots of scams this helps for new beginners.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Originally Posted by Samfakroon View Post

    I see so many of you are lost on fb ads. And here I will give you a short summary how we do ads this is especially for Ecom. Same Strategy will work and has worked with other Niches.
    1. Do product research and see competitors who are successful. Spy the see their ads copies see their retargeting see their funnel. If you really want to hack the whole thing, buy amd buy upsells and take note of all these upsells.
    Create similar funnel with similar email follow up and similar ad copies and so on. NB am saying similar not same. Install fb pixell and google analytics code on all pages.
    2. Create a convertion campaign optimised for purchases, even if your account is new.
    3. Create 3 adsets with $3-$5 ad budget. Target a small audience of not more than 200k audience.
    4. Each adset Create 3 ad copy every thing same with variation of the ad image.
    Depending on the product in this ads of the other adsets split test different thing like different angle different ad copy. NB at every point only 1 element changes with the rest remaining constant.
    5. Leave this to run for 3 days if sale. Continue optimising if No sale. Move on 2 other product.
    If sales let ad run for other 3 days. And see if more sales. Look at best converting ads. Increase budget to $10. And continue running winning ads n shut the loosing ads.
    6. Split test different elements on your funnels eg split test headlines, split test colours, split test buttons. Now u get the highest converting funnel.
    Create other $10 campaigns. 10 or so targeting audince not more than 200k size. As you create this. Check from your previus results what kinda audience gave you convertions. Age group, male or female, on pc or on mobiles, further on android or IOS and use these settings
    Continue this till u get 500 purchases. I would sometimes do $5 adets 20 of them. Kindly note as these ads are running your $20 a day retargeting on fb and google is running.
    Once u get to 500 sales create look alike shut of all targeting audinece and use look alike. Keep the converting settings of age and so on.
    Time to scale if the ROAS is 2 or more keep increasing the budget of adset. $20 adsets. Run 20 30 or however many u can handle. Small budgets keeps convertion costs lower. And them it depends on traffic you are making from your upsells and follow ups.
    Thats how we do it. Hope it helps someone who already know basics of fb ads.
    I agree with all points except point 5, I would give it more time to show the results.
    however great post!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11617449].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgeSpy
    That's Amazing Thanks for this information.
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  • Profile picture of the author gamerseo
    Do you do this as a service? I am a financial advisor and usually it costs me $30-$40 to get a lead at least. If I can drive that down I would love to know how.

    Also how do I see what ads other advisors are even running?

    Most are targeting people slightly older than me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11623242].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author socialbacklink
      Originally Posted by gamerseo View Post

      Do you do this as a service? I am a financial advisor and usually it costs me $30-$40 to get a lead at least. If I can drive that down I would love to know how.

      Also how do I see what ads other advisors are even running?

      Most are targeting people slightly older than me.
      It would really come down to your targeting, ads, etc. How are you bidding? By action or per click? There is a good bit of stuff you can look at doing to improve your campaigns. I've been doing this as a service and training for the last 17 years.
      Get The Best In Paid Traffic Training - PPC Superstar!
      17 Years Experience As A Professional Internet Marketer
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11623963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tareq52
    A really good suggestion.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11623597].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Originally Posted by Samfakroon View Post

    I see so many of you are lost on fb ads. And here I will give you a short summary how we do ads this is especially for Ecom. Same Strategy will work and has worked with other Niches.
    1. Do product research and see competitors who are successful. Spy the see their ads copies see their retargeting see their funnel. If you really want to hack the whole thing, buy amd buy upsells and take note of all these upsells.
    Create similar funnel with similar email follow up and similar ad copies and so on. NB am saying similar not same. Install fb pixell and google analytics code on all pages.
    2. Create a convertion campaign optimised for purchases, even if your account is new.
    3. Create 3 adsets with $3-$5 ad budget. Target a small audience of not more than 200k audience.
    4. Each adset Create 3 ad copy every thing same with variation of the ad image.
    Depending on the product in this ads of the other adsets split test different thing like different angle different ad copy. NB at every point only 1 element changes with the rest remaining constant.
    5. Leave this to run for 3 days if sale. Continue optimising if No sale. Move on 2 other product.
    If sales let ad run for other 3 days. And see if more sales. Look at best converting ads. Increase budget to $10. And continue running winning ads n shut the loosing ads.
    6. Split test different elements on your funnels eg split test headlines, split test colours, split test buttons. Now u get the highest converting funnel.
    Create other $10 campaigns. 10 or so targeting audince not more than 200k size. As you create this. Check from your previus results what kinda audience gave you convertions. Age group, male or female, on pc or on mobiles, further on android or IOS and use these settings
    Continue this till u get 500 purchases. I would sometimes do $5 adets 20 of them. Kindly note as these ads are running your $20 a day retargeting on fb and google is running.
    Once u get to 500 sales create look alike shut of all targeting audinece and use look alike. Keep the converting settings of age and so on.
    Time to scale if the ROAS is 2 or more keep increasing the budget of adset. $20 adsets. Run 20 30 or however many u can handle. Small budgets keeps convertion costs lower. And them it depends on traffic you are making from your upsells and follow ups.
    Thats how we do it. Hope it helps someone who already know basics of fb ads.
    100% agree with this
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11624064].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mohammad umer
    great effort thanks for this information its really helpful for me...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11626429].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mieto1969
    [QUOTE=Samfakroon;11536833]I see so many of you are lost on fb ads. And here I will give you a short summary how we do ads this is especially for Ecom. Same Strategy will work and has worked with other Niches.
    1. Do product research and see competitors who are successful. Spy the see their ads copies see their retargeting see their funnel. If you really want to hack the whole thing, buy amd buy upsells and take note of all these upsells.
    Create similar funnel with similar email follow up and similar ad copies and so on. NB am saying similar not same. Install fb pixell and google analytics code on all pages.

    To identify successful ads just take a look for how long the ads are running (the long the better) ,and check comments ,how many positive and negative it has gotten .Also check for hidden comments . Just my 2 cents to that thread

    Thanks for the given value


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  • Profile picture of the author StarBoi :3
    Thank you for this beautiful explanation. Would definitely work on your advice.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11629253].message }}
  • Useful share, thank you for your input!
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