Can you please give me some advice for using paid ads
In another thread of mine, KenMichaels replied with this:
"One of my first products was sold at 67.00 with no upsell, no funnel, no list capture and it sold 170k as it stood, in less than two weeks.....without any JV's. Just some paid traffic.
You don't need an upsell in order to have advertising make sense,
you just need to sell more than it cost to advertise."
Well, that's essentially what I have. I have a $69 product with no upsells. It's a digital product, so any sales I make would be all profit.
My past experience
I offer a free membership and an upgraded membership to my site for a one-time fee. The free membership gets them onto my list. Whenever I did paid ads in the past, I would get LOTS of people signing up for free, but ZERO people upgrading.
I used a click tracking service to accurately track this data over a period of 3 months, so I am certain that none of these leads that were acquired via paid ads became buyers.
It's the whole "cold traffic" thing that I struggle with. For the past 6 years, my entire business model has relied on "warm traffic" via YouTube or Reddit. By the time people make it over to my site, they already know who I am and are willing to buy. With cold traffic, not so much...
I have a good product, which I have sold about 4000 copies of over the past few years with very few refunds. I have tons of great reviews too.
Anyway, I feel like using paid ads is this monumental task that is so far above my head. Are there any tips, tricks, suggestions for further reading, etc. that you might have to offer?