Here are five new updates to Google AdSense

by Administrator
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Google just rolled out new updates to the Auto ads settings panel. This will make it simpler for customers to distinguish between different ad formats.

These are the updates:
  • The first adjustment is the division of the formats into two groups according to their behavior. Anchor, vignette, and side rail advertising are examples of the "Overlay formats" category since they are positioned above content on a website without changing its layout. The "In-page formats" category includes banner and multiplex advertisements that are put into certain pages according on their layout and content.
  • Banner advertising, formerly known as "in-page ads," are a subset of the "In-page formats" category.
  • Since multiplex advertisements and banner ads now have distinct settings, there is no longer a requirement to allow banner ads first.
  • Now, for easier identification, each format gets its own distinct icon.
  • Each format is now represented in a gallery of advertisements.

These updates will be accessible when you visit the Auto ads settings panel.
#adsense #google #updates
  • Profile picture of the author Red Planet
    That would be really helpful to grow your traffic and interaction according the google AdSense guidelines ..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756923].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zainsultan
    It will be good to grow traffic. This Google adsense update will be very helpful for all.
    Moringa Powder in Pakistan | Eshi Organics
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756965].message }}

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