Help with Google Ads for leads and service-based industries
For more than a decade, I have been working for a small retail company. I began in customer service and then evolved into becoming their marketing man. Everything I have done in Google Ads has been self-taught and my tactics and such have all been predicated on what works for retail. However, I do not have experience outside of the retail sector and I would like to know if I am missing out on any opportunities in terms of gaining leads for potential clients.
Right now I have a search campaign with a couple hundred variations of phrase and exact match keywords like "digital marketing consultant", which will be optimised as I go along, and I am observing relevant audiences, with increased bid adjustments on In-market audience for "Advertising & Marketing Services" (i.e. People who influence purchasing decisions for advertising, marketing, brand management, or public relations services). There is also a Performance Max campaign running with assets provided. But I am struggling to get leads...
First-page clicks are expensive, and budget is limited ($1,000 / month), I would like to know what people think would be a good strategy for advertising for new client leads in Google Ads? I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
Monetize -
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Alpine M -
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Monetize -
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Kajal Uvisible -
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touchtheskyyy -
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Service Desk Banned-
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