Help with Google Ads for leads and service-based industries

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I am wanting to try my hand at freelancing as a digital marketer, specifically for Google Ads (and Facebook).

For more than a decade, I have been working for a small retail company. I began in customer service and then evolved into becoming their marketing man. Everything I have done in Google Ads has been self-taught and my tactics and such have all been predicated on what works for retail. However, I do not have experience outside of the retail sector and I would like to know if I am missing out on any opportunities in terms of gaining leads for potential clients.

Right now I have a search campaign with a couple hundred variations of phrase and exact match keywords like "digital marketing consultant", which will be optimised as I go along, and I am observing relevant audiences, with increased bid adjustments on In-market audience for "Advertising & Marketing Services" (i.e. People who influence purchasing decisions for advertising, marketing, brand management, or public relations services). There is also a Performance Max campaign running with assets provided. But I am struggling to get leads...

First-page clicks are expensive, and budget is limited ($1,000 / month), I would like to know what people think would be a good strategy for advertising for new client leads in Google Ads? I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
#ads #google #industries #leads #servicebased
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Alpine M View Post

    I am wanting to try my hand at freelancing as a digital marketer, specifically for Google Ads (and Facebook).

    For more than a decade, I have been working for a small retail company. I began in customer service and then evolved into becoming their marketing man. Everything I have done in Google Ads has been self-taught and my tactics and such have all been predicated on what works for retail. However, I do not have experience outside of the retail sector and I would like to know if I am missing out on any opportunities in terms of gaining leads for potential clients.

    Right now I have a search campaign with a couple hundred variations of phrase and exact match keywords like "digital marketing consultant", which will be optimised as I go along, and I am observing relevant audiences, with increased bid adjustments on In-market audience for "Advertising & Marketing Services" (i.e. People who influence purchasing decisions for advertising, marketing, brand management, or public relations services). There is also a Performance Max campaign running with assets provided. But I am struggling to get leads...

    First-page clicks are expensive, and budget is limited ($1,000 / month), I would like to know what people think would be a good strategy for advertising for new client leads in Google Ads? I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter.

    Although you have years of experience doing this at your
    job, you should probably develop a business plan as well
    as a strategy before offering your services as a consultant.

    You omitted some details like where you are going to send
    the leads, do you have a website or do you plan on talking
    to people over the phone?

    All your keyword variations sound confusing, like you are
    trying to cover every possible phrase combination which
    is not the way to go. You should refine this and use A.I. to
    develop and organize your ad campaigns.

    If you want to freelance, you can join a platform such as
    WarriorForum's Freelancer. There is a link at the bottom
    of the page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11806020].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alpine M
      Thanks for the reply.

      Business planning has been done, website created which emulates what I see from competing agencies, case studies from my current employer (who has 3 different e-commerce businesses) and has a form to collect lead details - Name, email, website, monthly budget, and an additional box where it asks what they would like help with in terms of marketing, it all goes into a CRM for easy lead management.

      But for now, I am just trying to focus on how to structure my ads to acquire these leads as I have no experience in advertising for leads and services, only advertising for products. So you are correct in that I am trying to cover every possible phrase combination. I do have a separate Pmax campaign going where I have provided some assets, though I think I could flesh it out more.

      In addition to a Pmax campaign, how should I be using AI to make it easier to acquire leads?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11806024].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by Alpine M View Post

        Thanks for the reply.

        Business planning has been done, website created which emulates what I see from competing agencies, case studies from my current employer (who has 3 different e-commerce businesses) and has a form to collect lead details - Name, email, website, monthly budget, and an additional box where it asks what they would like help with in terms of marketing, it all goes into a CRM for easy lead management.

        But for now, I am just trying to focus on how to structure my ads to acquire these leads as I have no experience in advertising for leads and services, only advertising for products. So you are correct in that I am trying to cover every possible phrase combination. I do have a separate Pmax campaign going where I have provided some assets, though I think I could flesh it out more.

        In addition to a Pmax campaign, how should I be using AI to make it easier to acquire leads?

        All of your efforts demonstrate good planning that will likely ensure
        your success.

        A.I. can help with keyword and other research and it can perform
        a multitude of tasks such as writing ads, developing business plans
        and strategies, step-by-step instructions, etc.

        It can do just about anything you can think of.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11806026].message }}
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