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-   -   PIPS Forum Rules *Please READ BEFORE Posting* (https://www.warriorforum.com/plug-profit-site-support-forum/207-pips-forum-rules-please-read-before-posting.html)

Patrician 6th August 2008 03:52 PM

PIPS Forum Rules *Please READ BEFORE Posting*
HI there Warriors!

Please be aware of the rules of the Warrior Forum that we must all abide by, as follows:


NO affiliate links allowed in signatures or posts

-->Example: NO pluginprofitsite.com/main-1234

NO redirects to affiliate links
--> Example: NO: MyDomain.com/pips.html

Use ONLY links for domains that you have legally registered.

-->> Example: OK: Your-PIPS-Domain-Name.com
-->>> Example: OK: Your-PIPS-Domain-Name.com/blog

>>> Your blog link is fine

5 lines maximum in the signature

"Any color (font) is fine as long as it is black" (no colors)

NO HTML - that means brackets like this: NO: < and >
YES: brackets like this [ and ]

Here is the format for creating a signature with an anchor tag.

Just omit the spaces before and after each '[ or ]' bracket. What will display is 'Your Keywords'

[ url="Your-Domain-Name.com " ]Your Keywords[ /url ]


Super Simple Version:

* Type your keywords

* Highlight the keywords by holding down your left mouse button and dragging it over the words.

* Click the icon at the top of your text box that looks like a globe with a chain link.

* A box will open up that has http://

** Type your URL = www.domain.com

*** Click OK


Here is where to find the signature box:

On the top left of the forum page use the pull down menu that says "User CP" (CP=control panel)

Click "Edit Signature" on the menu

Type the URL and anchor tag (keyword) in the box and save.



This is a discussion forum, not a classified ad bulletin board. We have a thread if you want to advertise something that will support your PIPS business. This is the only place advertising is allowed:

Free Advertising Zone
Advertising Zone for PIPS Members ONLY


Unsolicited Advertising by Private Messge:

Ethical internet marketing is 'permission based'. Using the PM system to send advertisements to people who have not specifically requested information from you is spam. Please forward any you get from PIPS members to me 'Patrician'.



No Bashing Other Warriors or Their Programs, Products or Services will be tolerated. We will delete these posts without explanation.

If you don't like something that is fine for you to say something like 'It didn't work for me' or state other FACTS.

However, statements like 'this is a useless or lousy program' and/or 'stay clear of this newbies' or 'don't buy this' are BASHING.


Do not start your own conversation unrelated to the subject in the thread topic.

-->>Start your own topic (thread) by clicking the 'new thread' (button) at the top of the forum index

Thank you for your cooperation. ;)

Patrician 17th November 2009 03:51 PM

Re: Forum Rules Updated *Please Read Before Posting*

Patrician 1st January 2010 04:07 AM

Re: Forum Rules Updated *Please Read Before Posting*
No Bashing Warriors or Their Products -

Read what Allen Says (Forum Owner/Admin) SEZ:


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