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Unread 29th Nov 2011, 11:11 AM   #1
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What And Why Has Helped You The Most About PIPS?
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Hello Everyone,

If you are like me, who first got their feet wet with online internet businesses through PIPS, you definitely avoided a long and maybe less painful(to the pocket book)learning curve to making money online.

When I first came across PIPS some time ago when Stone had the audio books program I admit I wasn't too impressed but what impressed me to stick around was the training and constant up to date marketing techniques and its simplicity.Though I did not always agree with ALL the programs through out time as far as income potential, I always respected the marketing training and used it effectively with other programs.

The latest additions to PIPS I think have the biggest potential for income by far from all others in the past and I look forward to a promising future within PIPS.Have a successful day!

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Last edited on 29th Nov 2011 at 11:13 AM. Reason: typo
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Unread 1st Dec 2011, 10:12 AM   #2
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Re: What And Why Has Helped You The Most About PIPS?
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What Have I Appreciated?

Okay, as I am just working through the process, I would say...

1. The systematic plan laid out for everyone: i.e., the 30 Day Training.

2. One of my first impressions on reading some of the instruction was: "personal." I enjoy that.

3. And speaking of the personal side of the fence, I appreciate the confident yet not a "get this you idiot" approach in the training that comes from experience and success.

4. The free site and being able to customize it -- with instructions how to do it along the way.

5. The customer support: quick, personal and helpful.

That's it for now, but those are my immediate responses to the question.

All the best to you and those you love today... and always!


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Unread 5th Dec 2011, 07:08 PM   #3
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Well I must say that many things have stood out to me about this PIPS program. To be honest I joined PIPS about 5 years back and did minimal with the program. I saw the value in the program but I just didnt invest the time into the business like I should have. Of course I gave up on the program (due to finacial reasons) and continued working at my underpaid J.O.B. Soon after I started a few different marketing programs and had some success with them but the training and income potential just didnt seem to be there! After that I started Web Design and worked on a few site for some friend/associates and that was fun but WOW... a lot of work went into making the money!

After all this I knew there was a better way... I needed some step by step help on getting my business of to a good start. Immediately the PIPS program popped into my head so I reviewed Stones site again and of course joined! This time I came in with the attitude that I am going to work hard, follow instructions, and absorb as much information as I can and so far I am having success! Some of my favorite features are:

- Step by Step Training! (Without this I just dont see how it is possible to be successful.)
- Words of Encouragement (Keeps you motivate and helps you not get overwhelmed)
- Team Atmosphere that this program has (Warrior Forum, Upline Contact, etc)
- Variety of programs to help you be successful (A product for everyone)
- Great results from PIPS partners...
- Prebuilt site with customization options (And support while doing so)
- Not being overloaded with customer service so you can focus on building the business!
- Non pushy sales approach... selling the benefit! (Honest, upfront, detailed sales approach)

I hope this helped and is what you are looking for! The biggest words of advice that I can give would be to TRUST the program and learn as much as you can about the products!

Have a wonderful day!


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Unread 10th May 2012, 04:34 PM   #4
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Re: What And Why Has Helped You The Most About PIPS?
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The biggest thing that helped me the most is the step-by-step 30-day training. I finished the 30-day training in 6 days. Just could not get enough of it. With all the other programs I have been in since the late '90s that gave you the program and said, "no, go do it". What? do what. Stone shows you, step-by-step what to do, how to do it, and THEN says, go do it. Now I know what the IT is. I am about to go on a two week vacation in the mountains of California and I am taking my kindle along on which I have all the eBooks, the 30-day training, etc. and am going to go through it once again.

I have started posting my backlinks with Paul's Quality Backlinks, and have joined the two email providers that Stone suggests and am slowly building my list. When I am back from vacation I am going to go hot and heavy on the article marketing.

Can you tell I am excited? If not, I AM!

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Unread 16th May 2012, 05:21 PM   #5
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Re: What And Why Has Helped You The Most About PIPS?
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To me PIPS is the only way to go. I have purchased other programs and I have tried to learn as much as I can from them and I have. Education that I am utilizing with PIPS. Honestly this program does make you money. I got discouraged at first because no $$$$ was coming in but when I made the commitment to myself that I had to produce, it started to happen.
I have discovered a hidden love for blogging, and article writing. I am constantly looking for quality backlinks to my site and trying to send as much traffic as I can to produce results.

I have started the 30 day training again and have found it much more profound than the first time around. Maybe I am all ears to get info now, I don't know.
I believe in this product so I am seeking people to believe as I do and I am building my business.

The support has no equal. Pat gets back to you within hours and she actually helps and knows her stuff...

I recommend PIPS to anyone who is serious about building an online fortune.. Yes that is what I am after..

Have a powerful day.

Marilu Nieto

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Unread 17th May 2012, 10:11 AM   #6
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Re: What And Why Has Helped You The Most About PIPS?
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Hello, ljrestrada:

Like you, and other PIPS members, PIPS was my first true foray into the wonderful world of Internet Marketing. I had joined SFI, which lead to PIPS leader Jeff Casmer pointing me to PIPS.

What I appreciated most about PIPS was that it instantly gave me a fully monetized website, a marketing system, and especially, a training program.

I haven't always agreed with the changes made periodically to the core PIPS programs, or the frequency of those changes at times, but without question PIPS gave me an awesome indoctrination to online marketing and pointed me in the direction to continue working towards my home business income dreams and goals.


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