Laravel or Wordpress?

Profile picture of vinc
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
17 replies
Hello, I am looking to have a website developed and I am not sure which route should I take. I am not a developer so my knowledge on this topic is non-existent. I have been told the functionality I need can be achieved with both. While in wordperss it will be cheaper and faster to develop, with laravel it will be done properly rather then slapped together with various plugins. Any insight on this from someone knowledgable? Website I am going for has a similar functionality to
Thank you
#laravel #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author rosario1990
    Profile picture of rosario1990
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As you said you're not website developer. So, I think it best if you build your website in wordpress.
    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      Profile picture of kilgore
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you don't have any knowledge of development, maybe you should find someone who does to help you pick out the framework/CMS for your site. Laravel and Wordpress are generally used for very different purposes: your question is kinda like asking, "Should I buy a Catalina 27 sailboat or a Trek 520 touring bicycle?" Well, if you're planning on traveling on water, I'd recommend a boat, but if you're traveling by land a bike will serve you better. But of course there are other options besides a Catalina 27 or a Trek 520 regardless of how you're traveling just like there are other frameworks than Laravel and other CMS's than Wordpress. Maybe you should use Yii or Drupal or Django or Joomla or...

      The point is there are a lot of ways you can go, but based on what you said you're not qualified to make the decision.

      That said, I'm not suggesting you just hire a developer and let them choose what's best (though if you're hiring a very, very high quality development team, that might be an option). Instead, no matter how you go, if you're having something custom-coded for you, I think it's pretty much imperative that you have some objective technical expertise on your team -- someone outside of the team you'll be hiring. Otherwise how are you going to make sure you hire a quality team? And how are you going to make sure that what the team does is quality work?

      There can be a huge difference between quality code and code that is crappy but works. In other words, just because the code does what you want it to do when being tested by a handful of users doesn't mean it'll work when hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of users are using it. And it doesn't mean it won't be full of bugs or security holes you don't know about. And it doesn't mean that it'll developed in a way that will make it easy to add/change features without basically re-writing everything from scratch.

      So again, find some objective technical expertise for your team. It can be someone as involved as a technical partner or as minimally engaged as a friend who's willing to help out once in a while with some advice -- or anything in between. But posting a four-line question asking for advice from a bunch of strangers on a public forum who know nothing at all about your site and your business is no way to make one of the most important technical decisions you'll ever make.

      Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    Profile picture of RealCasher
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Man, Wordpress has no competitors! not even close.

    WordPress is very easy to master because of the huge resources available + plugins out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author ColossusMedia
    Profile picture of ColossusMedia
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    If budget is not a problem laravel all the way. Wordpress is made for those who have no knowledge or no budget. It is a wonderful software to allow every common marketer to quickly be able to put a site online. But if you have knowledge to develop your website or if you have budget, there are better alternative. Laravel is one of them.
  • Profile picture of the author kaufenpreis
    Profile picture of kaufenpreis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I recommend you Wordpress. There many free and pay plugins and themes for wordpress.
  • Profile picture of the author yangyang
    Profile picture of yangyang
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If what matters for you is the functionalities of your website, go with Laravel.

    If what matters is content, go with WordPress.

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  • Profile picture of the author BestSEO
    Profile picture of BestSEO
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Strictly from the point of SEO and ranking--- If you do not go with WP your really not being smart. Asking what to use has much more thought that needs to be put into it. It is never as simple as "A" or "B"...
    Anyone that says it is that simple does not know what they are talking about. In this thread there are people that say if you have no experience go with WP and if you have experience go with Laravel. Yet they do not explain to you what the benefits are of each....

    I suggest this to you. Simply go with what will work for what you are trying to accomplish by using the pro's and con's.... If you cannot afford to handle it, then simply do not do anything! If you can financially handle it, that is a non-issue....
    Yet to be blunt, cost should not be a factor here. You are trying to do it all yourself. You need to build a site that will rank and allow you to make changes. Add plugins that will help things along... That in itself pretty much pushes you to word press as there are thousands of plugins ready for you if needed.
    Since I do not want to rant on and on tonight, it is late now even for me at almost 3am, I will give you the best piece of advice ever with regard to building a website. Word press is loved by Google and that is the biggest search engine. Since they love WP so much you should never ask what kind of site. It is simply a no brainer ever!!! If you are building a major site that will have over 50k user a day, then move it up to Drupal..... Never use Joomla.... There ya go! now get to work and show me how well you did!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Leadsupply
    Profile picture of Leadsupply
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    I think working with Wordpress will be much easier for you. As you mentioned that you are not a website developer. Maintaining a Wordpress site is so much easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris19h
    Profile picture of Chris19h
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is comparing apples to oranges. If you have the budget for a developer, hire one. Something like teespring is completely customized and probably took a team of developers months to create. If you want to prototype the idea before putting money into it I would suggest using WordPress. Create a minimum viable product and get it to market. See if it sells. If you are getting sales, hire a developer and build the full scale thing!
  • Profile picture of the author nimonogi
    Profile picture of nimonogi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Go with WordPress. Since you are not a an experienced developer, you will find the WordPress community to be a lifesaver.
  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Profile picture of Slade556
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I also recommend wordpress.
    You're not a web developer, which means wordpress is perfect for you! It's true, it's a collection of plugins slapped together... but the script is actually a great script! Easy to install, easy to maintain.
  • Profile picture of the author mr.hichem
    Profile picture of mr.hichem
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by vinc View Post

    Hello, I am looking to have a website developed and I am not sure which route should I take. I am not a developer so my knowledge on this topic is non-existent. I have been told the functionality I need can be achieved with both. While in wordperss it will be cheaper and faster to develop, with laravel it will be done properly rather then slapped together with various plugins. Any insight on this from someone knowledgable? Website I am going for has a similar functionality to
    Thank you
    I'm a developer and I've been faced with that choice too. The first choice I have made is to go with wordpress. My goal was to put together an affiliate website as fast as possible. The wordpress version lacked so much features especially when it comes to backend product management. So I decided to go with Laravel and create a second version. The Laravel version didn't take much to develop and I can say it is far better then the Wordpress version when it comes to:
    - Backend
    - Seo optimisation
    - Speed
    - Customisation of anything
  • Profile picture of the author Theertha
    Profile picture of Theertha
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Try this - LearnSauce, You will get your needs without programming language.

    Start your own Dating Website with this Dating Script - Gentleninja

  • Profile picture of the author samsularifin
    Profile picture of samsularifin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wordpress is Content Management System (cms). It's easy to use, and also do not need Programming skill to do it. There are many kind of plugin that have provided by wordpress developer.

    And laravel is PHP Framework that require PHP skill to use it. at least, you must understand the basic of Model View Controller (MVC).

    i suggest you to use wordpress. That's it.
  • Profile picture of the author Rexar
    Profile picture of Rexar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My vote also for Wordpress....easy CMS for use with lots of plugins..
  • Profile picture of the author abukwaik
    Profile picture of abukwaik
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No doubt, WordPress!
  • Profile picture of the author sandralennon3
    Profile picture of sandralennon3
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    WordPress is most popular and easy to use CMS. And I always suggest WordPress is good to use.

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