Create a fare calculator for shuttle

5 replies

I need to create a very simple fare calculator for shuttle services. I don't need to integrate google map api just a form that can make appear a price based on a defined Point A to a defined Point B trip and the number of passengers. Then, gathering infos & collect payments. (Something like in this website: parisprivateshuttle [dot]com

My freelancer did the work on php but my client is on a shared host with one single database and can't afford having a professional one.

Do you think ninja form with the extentions paypal checkout + conditonal logic addon can be enough to do the work ?

Thanks you
#calculator #create #fare #shuttle
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    Originally Posted by Linegend View Post

    My freelancer did the work on php but my client is on a shared host with one single database and can't afford having a professional one.
    Thanks you
    You mean your client wants a non-professional application because he can't afford a professional one?

    Spending less money on the development of an application that doesn't work and perhaps even has security issues is a waste of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Linegend
    Yes because he has a very small business and he's also a good relation so I try to help
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    You said, you're freelancer developed it already, so what do you need exactly?
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  • Profile picture of the author Linegend
    Well everything is in my first post, i need to know if the project can be done with ninja form and his extentions. And my developper can do whatever I want..... so yeah man thanks for your inputs that helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author noah.whitmore
    I'm a little confused... the work is done, right? The only thing holding you back from using what has already been developed is the fact that your client is on a shared host with one database?

    Do you mean that there is only one database for everyone on the webhost server? OR do you mean that the client has only one single database for himself?

    If he has his own database, I'm confused about why this would be an issue. In fact, even if he's sharing a database with other - which would be weird - I'm not sure why that would be an issue.

    Are there other limitations of your client's webhost that is keeping you from using what has already been developed? Who told you that you can't use what has already been made? Did they say that they can't use what you have because they don't have a professional database?

    I think what Joe is asking is that we're not sure what's keeping you from using what you already have. It's because you don't have a professional database? Could you expand on that for us?

    However, to your question, can you do this with Ninja Forms and some add-ons? It depends on what you want to do, really.

    If you have a finite X number of shuttle routes, and they have set prices then yes you could do it. You would end up with functionality similar to this (mind you, similar in function, not in presentation, this is just a quick demo)...,js,output

    When you set up your form using Ninja Forms (which is a killer plugin by the way), you would use the conditional logic add-on to say...
    • If the user has chosen Route 1, then change the price to $3
    • If the user has chosen Route 2, then change the price to $5
    • If the user has chosen Route 3, then change the price to $3
    • And so on...

    So, that parts pretty straightforward. However, you then would need to deal with how you have someone make a purchase online and then prove that purchase in the real world. Are you going expect that they print off their PayPal receipt?

    Hope that helps out a bit.

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    So... 'Hello'
    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about my posts. I'd like to hear from you!
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