Anyone have a must come from script

3 replies
Aloha gang,

I'm writing something for paid forum members and was wondering if anyone had a script in which they must come from a certain web page in or be redirected.

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  • Profile picture of the author triverafelix
    Can you explain more? Because I don't understand
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  • Profile picture of the author FordPrefect
    Hey Rick,

    Sounds like you need to look at the HTTP referer headers on your webpage. That will tell you which page your visitor came from to get to your page and you can then have your code redirect or do whatever you need it to do.

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    • Profile picture of the author hometutor
      Originally Posted by FordPrefect View Post

      Hey Rick,

      Sounds like you need to look at the HTTP referer headers on your webpage. That will tell you which page your visitor came from to get to your page and you can then have your code redirect or do whatever you need it to do.

      Yeah, it was weird. I found the code I needed and tried to paste it here to share it. Every time I did it timed out. Anyway I did something kind of neat with it. It's for my I Can Post paid subscription members. So I built a part of the forum only they can visit and set it up so they http referrer looks for that link. If it's not the link it echos a javascript redirect to directions.

      I had to do the javascript redirect in parts building the variable to echo for some reason. It's probably safe enough to keep the average user that would use my service from hacking it for free.

      Thanks all for your help,

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