Mobile version of Wordpress site not updating

3 replies
Hello all. I recently had a website built for a client, and after it was installed I made a few changes per the client's request. For whatever reason, the desktop version shows the updates that I made, but the mobile version shows the non-updated version.

I spent a lot of time yesterday researching what the problem could be, and I've tried everything that was suggested - clearing the website cache, clearing my phone's cache, having my hosting clear the server luck.

Does anyone have any suggestions that will resolve this issue? I am going crazy with this...
#mobile #site #updating #version #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author kebumen
    Does your site theme supporting responsive design or mobile friendly? If you use the premium theme and supporting mobile friendly and responsive, you can make sure in theme setting up. You can check it through customise menu, in the bottom, usually there are any display icon for some device, such as desktop, laptop, tablet, and also smartphone. I think, its just only setting up problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Peters
    Something is clearly wrong with the theme. Contact the developers. They might help you better with troubleshooting on this issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author susan2015parker
    Check if your web design is responsive and adaptable to mobile screen size. I think this is the problem with your WordPress site. You can also contact a web app development company to help you fix the problem.
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