Javascript appearing "Add to Cart" DIV TAG - Any clues?

Profile picture of newbim
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies

As mentioned in one of my posts in the Marketing Forum, a popular tactic at the minute is having clients go to a landing page with nothing on it other than a video. After a pre-determined amount of time - (and I think it's javascript) a DIV appears with the "Add to Cart" or "Subscribe" button.

Does anyone know how I might be able to implement this?

Thanking you in advance,
#add to cart #appearing #clues #div #javascript #tag
  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Profile picture of lisag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by newbim View Post


    As mentioned in one of my posts in the Marketing Forum, a popular tactic at the minute is having clients go to a landing page with nothing on it other than a video. After a pre-determined amount of time - (and I think it's javascript) a DIV appears with the "Add to Cart" or "Subscribe" button.

    Does anyone know how I might be able to implement this?

    Thanking you in advance,
    This should get oyu heading in the right direction:

    Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery - Stack Overflow

    -- Lisa G

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