Temporary Download link in email?

Profile picture of nuclear81
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
Hey all,

I want to see a digital product via PayPal. Once the payment has been confirmed I want to trigger an auto-responder email that provides a temporary download link that will only last for a certain amount of time, and will be unique to each download.

How can I set this up using aWeber?

#download #email #link #temporary
  • Profile picture of the author theIMgeek
    Profile picture of theIMgeek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my very quick research, it looks like aWeber does not have any sort of API that would allow you to send special commands like this. (passing a unique URL and triggering the email)

    One very quick solution (though not integrated with aWeber) is this lovely little site from a fellow Warrior member: Sell eBooks, Files, Downloads, Digital Products with Paypal - UPLOADnSELL.com

    FREE WSO: Protect and Automatically Deliver Your Digital Products

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  • Profile picture of the author TrueStory
    Profile picture of TrueStory
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by nuclear81 View Post

    Hey all,

    I want to see a digital product via PayPal. Once the payment has been confirmed I want to trigger an auto-responder email that provides a temporary download link that will only last for a certain amount of time, and will be unique to each download.

    How can I set this up using aWeber?

    Why does it have to be aWeber?

    Just use regular PHP Send function to give users temp download link.

    If you're experience programmer, you can do following, UPON successful payment

    1 you already have yourdomain.com/downoad/ directory

    now automatically script would:

    2 copy original file (from password protected directory) to download directory with UNIQUE random ID attached to the name (i.e. download/1354324322341product.exe)
    3 create same unique download page "1354324322341get.html" with link to 1354324322341product.exe file in same directory (yourdomain.com/download/).
    4 send email with link to http://www.yourdomain.com/download/1...322341get.html that has link to your 1354324322341product.exe copy of original file (you could send link to actual file but it's cleaner and nicer way to send link to a page that has download link)
    5 setup cron job to remove files older than 48 hours in download/ directory except for blank index.htm file

    Rinse wash repeat for every purchase.

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  • Profile picture of the author stma
    Profile picture of stma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well wait - there is no reason you can't do this with awebers custom fields/tokens (whatever they are called).

    Add a custom field and put their session id in.

    At same time put session id in database with time stamp.

    Use token in first message message to include a page with session.

    Have download page 'expire' if it's been to long.

    I use it to change out affiliate links when someone opts into my sites so I know they get credit instead of me getting credit so tokens are certainly possible with aweber. And there isn't a reason you couldn't use it how I outlined above if you have just a wee bit of php skill (nothing complicated there).

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