Need Opinions for CMS I am working on...URL question pertaining to SEO

Profile picture of CarloD.
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
10 replies
Hey Warriors,

I am working on a simple CMS, and I am having trouble deciding what I want to do in terms of the URL's.

should I have articles created? for example:



page-title-generated.php is a file that was created on submit of a new article and includes content read from a database.


Should I just store the content in a database and have it display


Or using some rewrite have it similar to WP where it would be


Do you think there would be any significant difference?

At first I wanted to store files, but now I changed my mind and am thinking of going with


Just seems easier the way I am thinking of the big picture.


#cms #onurl #opinions #pertaining #question #seo #working
  • Profile picture of the author theIMgeek
    Profile picture of theIMgeek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Carlo,

    I'm no SEO expert, but I think you should keep the address as simple as possible.

    Any extra characters don't help with SEO or with human readability.

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    • Profile picture of the author CarloD.
      Profile picture of CarloD.
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RJP View Post

      Hey Carlo,

      I'm no SEO expert, but I think you should keep the address as simple as possible.

      Any extra characters don't help with SEO or with human readability.


      Ya that's what I was thinking....

  • Profile picture of the author nultz
    Profile picture of nultz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yea keep them search engine friendly. in wordpress just make it so that your permalinks have /%postname%
    • Profile picture of the author CarloD.
      Profile picture of CarloD.
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by nultz View Post

      Yea keep them search engine friendly. in wordpress just make it so that your permalinks have /%postname%

      Im not talking about wordpress... I am Building a cms.

  • Profile picture of the author growclicks
    Profile picture of growclicks
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    Don't EVER use a dynamic url... the php generated page is the way to go. Check out our site, we use the 1st method and its 100% search engine friendly.
    • Profile picture of the author CarloD.
      Profile picture of CarloD.
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You have made me rethink my choice....

      Cool video By the Way. I like.

      Now I have to add a fancy video to my homepage....After Effects here we come.

      Thanks for input.


  • Profile picture of the author thinkweb
    Profile picture of thinkweb
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    hey Carlo, just thought I would *bump* and agree with the other warriors here that you want to maintain the simply domain.tld/page-name-structure to retain the most SEO benefits.

    Side question, why on earth are you creating your own CMS with soo many great options out there to choose from already..?? Its a big undertaking, and I am speaking from experience after many, many hours and $$$ we are using a great open source solution and I kick myself all the time..

    Either way best of luck with your project and success..

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    • Profile picture of the author Number_5
      Profile picture of Number_5
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      Typically this is accomplished by having a php page that receives a query or id property like

      That's where you start. Then you use mod_rewrite (.htaccess directive) to create seo friendly link redirects.
  • Profile picture of the author TrueStory
    Profile picture of TrueStory
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No.5 has a good point. .htaaccess mod_rewrite is pretty much the optimal SEO solution.

    also make sure that your mod rewrite accounts for upper case...hence

    is not the same

    on *some* hosting platform.

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    • Profile picture of the author Number_5
      Profile picture of Number_5
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      Originally Posted by TrueStory View Post

      No.5 has a good point. .htaaccess mod_rewrite is pretty much the optimal SEO solution.

      also make sure that your mod rewrite accounts for upper case...

      Yeah, you should probably convert all the links to lowercase to save headache and make it look cleaner.

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