Darn you Wordpress...

Profile picture of finallywealthy
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
I have a blog, thedailyweight.info and for some reason, a stupid Jillian bidvertiser ad is stuck on the right column.

It was a text widget, but I removed the text widget (drag and drop to inactive) to replace with adsense. For some reason, it is still there and I cannot for the life of me figure out where the darn code is hiding that is still showing it. I have looked through the editor at every major page, I have uploaded the theme again to try and overwrite it, and I even reinstalled WP to see if that would help.

When I open the source directly from Firefox, I can't even find the code in the site.


Help before I go mad. I know it is something simple I am overlooking but I have been staring at it for so long I am now crossed eyed...

Thanks in advance.
#adsense ads #darn #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Profile picture of VegasGreg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The Jillian ad is a Google ad and it has your PUB-ID in it as well as the Google ad right below it.

    So if you didn't put google ads twice in your widget, the top one is hard coded into your theme. There may be a seperate theme functions section to edit it or just go into the theme editor and remove it from the sidebar.php file.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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