4 replies

I'm trying to make a download page for only my subscribers that have paid to access. What are the best, easiest and/or cost-effective ways to set it up to make sure that only paid subscribers can access the page and block out everyone else(unless they also subscribed and paid of course)?
#download #page #secure
  • Profile picture of the author alexievici
    I would say a single PHP script that receives certain data that you can check it's valid (against database or using an algorithm), if the data received it's valid it reads the file and "serves" it up for download. I also advise you store the file outside you're webserver's document root path so it will not be accessible to anyone.
    If you need more help, please feel free to contact me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vendor-Lock
    hey Vipulshah,

    I can fix you up. I develop website software,
    and I've got plenty of tools to help you with this.

    It depends what you are trying to give access to,
    and what you want to do.

    If it's music or mp4 videos, I would suggest a
    music download center set up.
    I can hook you up with an complete download site
    for free, but I don't think I can link here. so PM me
    and I'll send you the link to get the free script.

    If you want something a little more versitile,
    that can display videos, and lock out people that
    are not paid members, you need a locked members

    This area is my specialty. I can hook you up
    with a locking members area that will also lock
    pages you ALREADY have on your website.

    This also allows you to sell monthy subscriptions
    to your members site as a " product " in marketplaces
    like " clickbank " or " paydotcom "
    So you end up having many OTHER people out there
    selling subscriptions to your members area.

    Again, I don't think I can link here, so if you want
    to set up your own members area and no cost affiliate
    program, PM me or email me and I'll be glad to help you out.

    Jeff Noyes

    See why Hundreds of Warrior Forum Members are using this! ==>Get Yours NOW CLICK HERE <==
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  • Profile picture of the author ASUService
    If you need simple protection for a single download SimpleIPN is a great little script that's free ... Simple IPN: Free Paypal IPN PHP Script for Digital Download Products -- MiniSiteGallery.com

    Best Regards,
    Mike Allton
    ASU Service, Inc.
    The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

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