Need PHP redirect, or HTML

by 7 replies
Hey Warriors,

I need a redirect script for my AFF links on my web hosting rankings website (see sig). Not sure how to go about implementing and making it work if it's PHP related, but I can surely figure it out with some direction and code. Thanks!
#programming #html #php #redirect
  • well you can create a directory in your host say and add a php file to redirect your affiliate link code is something like:

    <?php header( 'Location:');?> to that page and that's it. but this setup won't let you to track your CTR.

    a more sophisticated one will mike filesainme power link generator. that you can track your link, redirect any page you want on the merchant site. and also cloaking the link as well.

    Hopes that help
  • Hello,

    You can check out this article may help you
  • Sweet guys (or gals) thanks!
  • Awesome.. Works like a charm.. just updated all links for that htaccess redirect
  • Hey NY,

    I have a better solution for you. You can cloak your links and add your popup on the affiliate's page with text, images or even video, plus an exit popup that will forward to any website.

    This is a great way to build your list with people that you send to your site that you'd normally never be able to contact.

    The software's at Affiliate Link Magic- The Most Powerful Cloaking Software On The Planet!

    Talk to you soon.

    ~Mike Cowles. <><
  • Mike,

    Will check it out, thanks for the tip.
  • I install myself one of those URL shortening script. Now I have

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    Hey Warriors, I need a redirect script for my AFF links on my web hosting rankings website (see sig). Not sure how to go about implementing and making it work if it's PHP related, but I can surely figure it out with some direction and code. Thanks!