I'm lost deleted mysql dbs no backups am I all done

by 6 replies
is there a fix my sites are down they don't work is there a pro out there that nows a fix. for this.
#programming #backups #dbs #deleted #lost #mysql
  • can you go in to your computer and do a system restore to an earlier time?
  • Hi,

    Are you speaking about database access offered through a shared hosting account?

    Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author babai
    I think you can restore ur system to an earlier time.
  • If this happend through your website control panel, As far as i know you can ask your hosting company to do restore.

  • Profile picture of the author smddev
    Please get it touch with us, we might be able to help you out with this.
  • yeah, go and speak with your host, as they may able to help....

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