Which is the best programming language to get start?

Profile picture of rijans
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167 replies
Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
#language #programming #start
  • Profile picture of the author ToneUK
    Profile picture of ToneUK
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    For web development I'm gona say PHP and CSS. It is really easy to learn and there are is a huge amount of example code all over the internet. ASP.NET does not seem to have as many examples.

    I would also recommend looking into using Drupal because it has a huge community and it allows you to build sites without touching any PHP code. Most of the time the theme is the only thing you need to create or alter because there are so many modules available which you can use.
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  • Profile picture of the author wayfarer
    Profile picture of wayfarer
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    PHP is a pretty loose language though. Some people seem to think it is better to learn a statically typed language such as Java first, or even a relatively low-level language such as C, since it will give you a better idea of how the machine itself operates.

    I personally think it doesn't really matter, however. The most important thing is that you get SOME sort of experience, and get to understand basic principals, which are shared by all programming languages.
    I build web things, server things. I help build the startup Veenome. | Remote Programming Jobs
  • Profile picture of the author phpbbxpert
    Profile picture of phpbbxpert
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    HTML, HTML5, XML etc... are markup languages.
    They are only for layout.

    CSS is for defining how your markup will be presented.

    If you want to program an actual application that does something, processed data, it will require a actual programming language to do it. Whether it be PHP, Java, ASP, Perl, what ever you fancy.
  • Profile picture of the author ussher
    Profile picture of ussher
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    Depends what you want to build.

    Websites, php is good.

    I really like the O'Reilly publishing company whenever i want to learn something new. If they have a book on what you want to learn, get it.

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  • Profile picture of the author themeparkguru
    Profile picture of themeparkguru
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    I would say start with visual basic then move to vb.net asp.net is a derivitive ov visual basicn. It is pretty easy to learn. In couple of weeks you can literaly design application using twitter API and display all kind of data. Just my 2 cents
  • Profile picture of the author reynoldscorb
    Profile picture of reynoldscorb
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    • Profile picture of the author seanpar
      Profile picture of seanpar
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      Originally Posted by reynoldscorb View Post

      I started with Java and a year.5 later I'm doing Java, PHP & SQL, building databases for small businesses and have worked on Iphone and Android apps using Java and Objective-C.

      I think Java syntax is the easiest to follow and you will learn the concepts of Object Oriented Programming which is VERY important in programming today. So, I recommend Java.

      Also, here is the book that I learned from. GREAT resource! Javanotes 5.1.2 -- Title Page
      I have to agree, I started with java and quickly moved to javascript and then to C#. You will learn that once you have learned any language at all it is easy to learn the rest each language has its ways of doing things and taken classes by the language BUT, once you have mastered one language picking up the rest is easy.
  • Profile picture of the author ianspencer
    Profile picture of ianspencer
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    For web development I'm gona say php. It is really easy to learn and there are is a huge amount of example code all over the internet.
  • Profile picture of the author hhunt
    Profile picture of hhunt
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    You are not likely to get a single definite answer here. We all have our favourite programming languages, that means the response will reflect that.

    I would however, suggest you check out Python - great language, huge community and much easier to learn.

    Good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author ankitnagpal
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  • Profile picture of the author thehypnoguy
    Profile picture of thehypnoguy
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    I'm at a loss with this C first then PHP if you learn one you have learned the other. I did my learning with C back in the beginning. Used a little product known as TurboC by a nonexistant little company known as Borland. I started using PHP just so I could make my container seperate from the page itself. That way I could change the look and feel of the website without having to edit 20 different pages. Then I decided to start looking at some of those PHP scripts and realized PHP is C. That made my programming really take off.

    If you are coding websites learn the C/PHP. It is going to serve you better than any of the other for computers and the net.

    • Profile picture of the author spamfighter
      Profile picture of spamfighter
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would say it always depends on what you want to develop and which platform you want to use.

      Linux/Apache environment: PHP, Perl or Python (PHP my favourite)
      Windows/IIS: ASP.net (Visual Studio Express gets you started quick and easy)

      Windows: C# (Again Visual Studio Express gets you started quick and easy)
      Mac: Objective C (Cocoa)
      Linux: C or C++

      I am not too sure if there is still a cross plattform compiler for Delphi (Prism ?) which would you allow to use Delphi on Windows and Linux.

      C# can be developed on Linux as well using Mono instead of Visual Studio.

      As I said, there are a lot of languages you can start with, but it always depends on what you want to accomplish and with which technology.

      I personally started with PHP and Delphi, but that was a long time ago.

      Nowadays I prefer using:
      PHP5 -> Websites and Server Backends
      C# -> Windows Desktop Applications and Silverlight using C# as a flash replacement
      • Profile picture of the author raindog308
        Profile picture of raindog308
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        Originally Posted by spamfighter View Post

        I would say it always depends on what you want to develop and which platform you want to use.
        Yes, exactly.

        Web? Probably PHP. Ruby is the up-and-comer. Do yourself a favoir and learn one of the major frameworks (CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc.) and MVC.

        Desktop? C# (for Windows)

        Server? Well, big stuff, Java.

        Do-anything language? Python.

        If you just want to learn for the value of learning and to get familiar with the basics of programming, I would go with Python. Ruby is a second choice.

        I would not venture into either C or C++. C has evolved into a specialist language for embedded programs and systems work. C++ is too unwieldly for the beginner - you'll spend most of your time learning C++ quirks. If you want to get into desktop game programming, though, that's the way to go.

        The best books on the market for learning programming are the Head First books by O'Reilly.
  • Profile picture of the author urban0id
    Profile picture of urban0id
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    I'd say start with HTML, CSS and continue with PHP. Search for my blog: "the ninja of web", you'll find some useful resources there.
  • Profile picture of the author PeachCoding
    Profile picture of PeachCoding
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    I would recommend PHP with MySQL as a second step to the starting/learning process as those 2 are easy to learn, very powerful languages and extremely well documented online.

    I wish you the best on your endeavors and hope I was of help.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
    Profile picture of Shirlyn
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    C is the only language which can help you to learn any programming language and help you to implement logic for any language.
  • Profile picture of the author Vincent1988
    Profile picture of Vincent1988
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    Start with C, then you can immediately learn objective-c where you can do amazing things like iphone apps
  • Profile picture of the author Silke
    Profile picture of Silke
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    What do you want to program ? Games, Programs, sites ?
  • Profile picture of the author danielharris
    Profile picture of danielharris
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    I'd start with PHP (so I did ). If you want to be a web-programmer for yourself it's enough to know PHP + SQL together with layout languages like html and css. You can also try to learn Java Script.
  • Profile picture of the author campers
    Profile picture of campers
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    If you're purely going to do dynamic web page type stuff then I would learn PHP as that's whats most widely/easily used on webhosting.

    I you really want to learn how to write software then I would go Java or C#. I'm biased towards Java as thats what I done for the last ten years, and the tools like Eclipse are exceptional and make it a lot easier to learn, as it tell you what you are doing wrong a lot.
  • Profile picture of the author crayzrocker
    Profile picture of crayzrocker
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    In terms of web development, assuming you already know HTML, I'd say PHP. In terms of actual programming, a good place to start is either Pascal or Java.
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgeP82
    Profile picture of GeorgeP82
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    I'd start with HTML and CSS. Then I'd move onto PHP. I personally prefer Ruby but it's not as easy to pickup the web site (Ruby on Rails) if you're not familiar with the model-view-controller paradigm and know SQL well.
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Walker
    Nick Walker
    Profile picture of Nick Walker
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    i really recommend PHP for ones who already started on 1 or 2 language, however for a beginner i would suggest Java, and for experts Python, i found python extremely difficult
    • Profile picture of the author jinn
      Profile picture of jinn
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      For web application i would recomend Javascipt on the client side and PHP/Python on the serverside. Python is very powerfull when you want to multi thread applications.

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  • Profile picture of the author tylerlongtw
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  • Profile picture of the author majick
    Profile picture of majick
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    PHP is great, HTML essential, CSS useful, Javascript optional.
  • Profile picture of the author ronycrank
    Profile picture of ronycrank
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    According to me PHP is best to start. PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor, is a scripting language used for web development. PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language.
  • Profile picture of the author crystalgiblin
    Profile picture of crystalgiblin
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    My favorite Programming Language are below list

  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Wilcox
    Joseph Wilcox
    Profile picture of Joseph Wilcox
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    Please note, I am a software developer.

    I see this question often and give different replies in different situations. For this I will consider scripting languages as a "programming language", though often they are not.

    If your objective is to get in to web development, PHP is an excellent language to learn first. It is a more structured language that is used quite frequently in development.

    Please understand that HTML/CSS are not programming languages. I saw someone mention CSS above and a bit of horror stirred up inside me. HTML, as the name expresses, is a markup language. This is much different. There is no use of logical flow allowed within HTML by itself.

    Javascript is a terrible first language. I understand that a lot of people wish to learn this first because it's used quite a bit on the web. Unfortunately Javascript has a way of teaching very poor "coding practice". It is like saying you will not learn proper manners. If you transition from Javascript to any other language, it will likely be difficult as Javascript is very relaxed about some "rules" of programming as well as syntax.

    If you're going to look in to being an actual software developer, I suggest either C++ or Java as they will give you an introduction to both software development and object oriented workings. Learning to work with objects is quite powerful but requires a bit more effort than working with scripting languages such as JS/PHP.

  • Profile picture of the author mathmo
    Profile picture of mathmo
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    depends on WHY you want to learn it?

    As you're posting it to WF I'm guessing you might be wanting it for online projects.

    So pick PHP (the most popular) or Ruby on Rails (in my opinion a vastly better and easier to learn language).

    also what wayfarer and Joseph Wilcox said is so true, HTML and CSS is not a programming language!

    (however that doesn't mean they're not important to learn if you wish to create websites, indeed they are very very useful to know! Just like English is very useful to know even though it isn't a programming language either)
    Terso IT: for Web Development and SEO Latest blog post, on the mindset of outsourcing: How to Outsource: 2 kinds, which are you?
  • Profile picture of the author kinselatos
    Profile picture of kinselatos
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    I suggest you should study the C++ or C# I also recommends java but I don't really like java because of slow loading and big usage of memory but java is a very powerful language.
  • Profile picture of the author altan
    Profile picture of altan
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    that depends on what you want to develop...if that's a website then php/asp.net would be nice...otherwise for desktop application C#/vb.net/java are good.
  • Profile picture of the author Heimdalx
    Profile picture of Heimdalx
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    try HTML and VB or u can try QB for the very basic one.
  • Profile picture of the author jonhylever
    Profile picture of jonhylever
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For programming

    is the best and initial
    but for desinginh

    PHP is best
  • Profile picture of the author Daave
    Profile picture of Daave
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    I think we should prefer C first........
  • Profile picture of the author olakh
    Profile picture of olakh
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    To learn programming language for starting then prefer C language.Because it will help you to learn the logic in a simple way.It will be the best start to learn programming.
  • Profile picture of the author Empress_Of_Drac
    Profile picture of Empress_Of_Drac
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    for newbies, I recommend to learn first HTML. it's the basic. After than learn PHP, CSS, and then C++.

    I have a 4-year old do-follow blog. I sell ad space and accept paid blog posts and links for reasonable and affordable costs. For more details contact me directly at empressofdrac[at]gmail[dot]com. And oh, I also accept Guest Article Submission.

  • Profile picture of the author mathmo
    Profile picture of mathmo
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    for goodness sake, stop referring to either CSS or HTML as a programming language!!
    Terso IT: for Web Development and SEO Latest blog post, on the mindset of outsourcing: How to Outsource: 2 kinds, which are you?
  • Profile picture of the author greggycooper
    Profile picture of greggycooper
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    I suggest you to learn PHP because it is the most common language use in creating web pages.
  • Profile picture of the author smear
    Profile picture of smear
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    Depends on the direction of career choice and your capability to do that, I think PHP is good and on other side the C# and java is best.
  • Profile picture of the author Saranya2011
    Profile picture of Saranya2011
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    Basic programming language is C.. If we know about this we can manage other programming languages..
  • Profile picture of the author baileykruse
    Profile picture of baileykruse
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    Now a days there are lots of programming languages available in the market. But as a programmer, PHP is the best to get start.
    • Profile picture of the author zarc
      Profile picture of zarc
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      If you are making a website, PHP is indeed a great option to start with, integrating it with CSS or the new upcoming HTML5, surely your website would look professional, with the proper coding and event handling. Their are plenty of tutorials on the net on how to do PHP, but shall i say as what my instructor had planted on each and everyone's head on our college life, "Programming without practice is just a word", better practice or perhaps if your as brilliant as Mark Zuckerberg, then you have a better chance of defying that certain old adage.
    • Profile picture of the author rileywhitaker13
      Profile picture of rileywhitaker13
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Now a days, there are lots of languages in the market .

      First of all, Decide, what you want to do ,i.e. you want to do website designing, making games or anything else.
    • Profile picture of the author DEaFeYe
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  • Profile picture of the author gracypetro
    Profile picture of gracypetro
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    Jave is the best but I think its little hard to learn. So I am going to PHP that its very easy and the best programming language to get start.
  • Profile picture of the author hawaiiwebdesigner
    Profile picture of hawaiiwebdesigner
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    I believe the best way to go is html=>CSS=>Javascript=>PHP
  • Profile picture of the author hello2
    Profile picture of hello2
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    I'd recommend you start learning Java as a programming language, and HTML/CSS for making websites. Why? Because you can use Google AppEngine to host your apps! Nobody's mentioned Google AppEngine until now, which is a little surprising. One of my websites is built on top of that, and that's 100% free hosting on Google servers. The downside is that you can't use Wordpress, but there are other good CMS engines that you can use.

    So all you need to do is learn Java, JSP and basic HTML/CSS.
  • Profile picture of the author steven300
    Profile picture of steven300
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    C language is a gate way to C++,C#,java, php, flash action scripting and etc
  • Profile picture of the author BaMoon
    Profile picture of BaMoon
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    I love C sharp, but Im coding with PHP )
  • Profile picture of the author EthanCrawford
    Profile picture of EthanCrawford
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    PHP? pffff.. :p

    Learning PHP is a good idea because it's so ubiquitous.

    However, that doesn't mean it's that great. IMO Ruby on Rails is where it's at if you'd like to start with web programming. This was a framework developed by one of the guys at 37 Signals to easily facilitate web application development (it's what Basecamp is programmed with).
  • Profile picture of the author banzerchristo
    Profile picture of banzerchristo
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    I would say start with Visual Basic and then move to vb.net asp.net is a visual basic derivative on. It is very easy to learn. Within weeks, you literally can design applications using the Twitter API and display all data types. Just my 2 cents
  • Profile picture of the author samstephan9
    Profile picture of samstephan9
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    My suggestion is C or Php.
  • Profile picture of the author zone117x
    Profile picture of zone117x
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    C# by far
  • Profile picture of the author Web Tempest
    Web Tempest
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    html -> css -> ruby on rails -> javascript = power
  • Profile picture of the author HostingWarrior
    Profile picture of HostingWarrior
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    C, C++ and then PHP will be the Best Start for you. Its all about the concepts that you understand. Most of the concepts are same in many languages but the syntax and programming way will vary. In some languages you will some new concepts that you not find in another and vice versa.
  • Profile picture of the author ocvseo
    Profile picture of ocvseo
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    to me C/C++ since those programing language are the basis of many programing language.
  • Profile picture of the author Logo Design
    Logo Design
    Profile picture of Logo Design
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    My suggestion is HTML or PHP.
  • Profile picture of the author mozlost
    Profile picture of mozlost
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    My vote is for python. It is very easy to learn, has great libraries, encourages Object Oriented development and avoids the curly brace cross eyed brain numbing distress that other languages can give you (replaced with space delimited cross eyed brain numbing distress).

    My backup vote is for php of course, php is a fun language.
  • Profile picture of the author johnsatriani
    Profile picture of johnsatriani
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    If he/she is a fast learner. PHP is the best programming to get started. PHP is the most popular now a days and there's so many tutorial on the internet how to use PHP.
  • Profile picture of the author silvertower03
    Profile picture of silvertower03
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Java or C is a good place to start learning programming.
  • Profile picture of the author ngseosept
    Profile picture of ngseosept
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    In my own opinion, you can use PHP or any CMS like Joomla and Drupal
  • Profile picture of the author Zenix
    Profile picture of Zenix
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    It's depending on what you want to do but just for the basic understanding I would choose C.
  • Profile picture of the author sweetloleypop
    Profile picture of sweetloleypop
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    HTML, HTML5, XML, CSS, C++ all of them is best for programming language.But it all depends on what you are really wanting to.
  • Profile picture of the author mehmlyndsy
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  • Profile picture of the author TheOnlineEra
    Profile picture of TheOnlineEra
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    For website look and feel - go with php and css
    For performance and scaling - go with java and css
    • Profile picture of the author ohio1975
      Profile picture of ohio1975
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      HTML and CSS are NOT programming languages

      programming is programming - you learn program flow control, execute required steps, get the job done - the language used is just semantics

      if you want to learn programming, just for the sake of programming, then it's like asking what is the best "beer" to drink. depending on your personality and learning style, pick one, anyone will do...

      if you have a purpose and end project in mind - then go with what the platform has lots of support for (with examples) and is readily available.

      for example, if you want to program web sites, start with learning how websites are formed - HTML & CSS directives that tell the browser how to display a site. then move into C, php that allow you to create web sites dynamically by manipulating those HTML directives programatically.
  • Profile picture of the author alfordlee
    Profile picture of alfordlee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    HTML or PHP.....both are good to make a good base..
  • Profile picture of the author johnnyN
    Profile picture of johnnyN
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    my vote is html5 and css.
    initially html5 is not hard, and css can be tricky but the basics are easy.

    the real beauty of html5 is all the new stuff, which is complicated, but it is the future of the internet.
    i would guess that within a year, you will be able to achieve 95% of what a standalone program can do.
    • Profile picture of the author maxmalini
      Profile picture of maxmalini
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would say that you should start with C/C++ and then go into PHP. If you are just ready to jump the gun at web programming, then go straight into PHP.

      Here are some good resources on learning PHP:

      Go to php.net - There is a Search Box on the upper right hand corner of the page where you can find information on different PHP functions. This is VERY USEFUL to keep as a resource for function calls and also because most of the time, there are examples on how to use the code in question.

      Also w3schools.com/php/ - Really great resource on learning about PHP. There is a navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen broken down into PHP Basic, PHP Advanced, PHP Database, etc. You can start with the Basic and work your way up from there.

      Also, if you are looking into doing more stuff with PHP, I highly suggest learning about MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • Profile picture of the author wedhooz
    Profile picture of wedhooz
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    my first languange c++, from that i learn about object oriented programming, you should try it.

    i don't know if i have to repeat this quote but i think i will
    Markup language is not programming language
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Albas
    Tom Albas
    Profile picture of Tom Albas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My suggestion is Php.
  • Profile picture of the author leppozdrav
    Profile picture of leppozdrav
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    Hope this post might help you!!!

  • Profile picture of the author odehfehr
    Profile picture of odehfehr
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    If you want to start programming, You must start with C language. C is basic of all programming language. If your basic fundamental of clear about C language, You can easily learn any programming language.
  • Profile picture of the author murrad
    Profile picture of murrad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For web go for HTML
    For application development, go for C - ever young language.

    Environment friendly Paper cup machine

  • Profile picture of the author upendraets
    Profile picture of upendraets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    C language is Best for starting
  • Profile picture of the author r4inna
    Profile picture of r4inna
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I also think PHP. And JavaScript. We're talking about useful ones to create web sites, right?
    • Profile picture of the author Thrasher66099
      Profile picture of Thrasher66099
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Learn these languages and you should have a fairly well rounded knowledge of programming:

      VB.NET (very similar to C# but I'd say learn vb so you get used to different syntaxes. C# and C++ syntax is almost identical)
      SQL (I use MSSQL but if you want to use MySQL or something else feel free)

      At that point you have covered most of the major areas. There are a few more but the rest are debatable as to whether you'll gain much from learning them other than knowing their syntax. I'd say that list encompasses most of the different programming schools of thought.

      Also if you're into scripting I'd suggest you learn Python (it's actually a programming language but used most often for scripting at the present time)
      • Profile picture of the author sanjaypande
        Profile picture of sanjaypande
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        It depends on what you want to do? Do you really want to LEARN programming or do you want to add names and acronyms to your resume for employment creds - Both goals are mutually exclusive!

        C is an amazing language but probably the WORST first language ever, and still people harp on it (You must learn to program in C or closer to the machine AFTER learning programming).

        For learning, the best languages are higher level, dynamically scoped languages with lambda calculus capabilities and higher order functions. Low level languages will NOT even allow you to think in those terms.

        The best first language in my opinion if would be a version of Scheme or Lisp - I think Common Lisp is probably one of the best.

        Python and Ruby are simpler on the eyes but they will never let you think at the speed a purely functional language which will and make you a better programmer even in lower level languages like C

        There are others that are good contenders as well, but try and stay away from platforms like the JVM (ruling out Scala, Clojure) and .Net (ruling out a whole bunch including C#, F#).

        You should also expose yourself to OOP languages and you just can't compare anything with Smalltalk. For OOP learn Smalltalk first and you WILL automatically be a much better programmer in Java, C# etc.

        These are my recommendations and are based on very solid foundations. Even today the creme of the crop is taught Scheme first, especially to learn programming and them moved on to syntax based languages.

        When I attended a grad level course in Artificial Intelligence at a univ in the US, the prof chose scheme for 1 reason - You can learn the language basics in less than an hour - Then you start programming (And that was the bloody hardest programming I've ever done - problem solvers and stuff ... We would've died if it was to be done in C.

        Peter Norvig, the director of search quality of Google and author of PAIP moved his stuff to Python from Common Lisp and Google uses a lot of Python, but I honestly don't think it's as powerful (Even though it's getting there).

        These are the best resources to LEARNING to program

        MIT Lectures (Attend free online)
        Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Video Lectures

        The lectures are based on this book
        Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

        Another fantastic resource
        How to Design Programs

        Want to learn OOP.
        Squeak Smalltalk

        These are absolute gems for someone who wants to really master programming. After going through and understanding these concepts, learning any new language will be a piece of cake.

        Hope this helps,


  • Profile picture of the author bettor
    Profile picture of bettor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For web go PHP. you would be up and running in couple of weeks even with no prior knowledge. Then concentrate on some php framework for even faster development
  • Profile picture of the author kamdendearg
    Profile picture of kamdendearg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some people seem to think that this is a better understanding of a statically typed languages ​​such as Java first, and even relatively low-level languages ​​such as C, because it will give you a better idea of how the operation of the machine itself.
  • Profile picture of the author nells james
    nells james
    Profile picture of nells james
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    C is the best and basic programming language. If you want to start programming then C is the easy to learn and simple language.
  • Profile picture of the author TigerNone
    Profile picture of TigerNone
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've found that the easiest language for getting started is Ruby. The syntax is very clear and it's a scripting language so it is very easy to execute. Also, with the popularity of Ruby on Rails, there are tons of very good tutorials on the internet.
  • Profile picture of the author mnaresh
    Profile picture of mnaresh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi friend I'm also a developer according to me php and c++ these are the best Programming languages .
  • Profile picture of the author alexylee
    Profile picture of alexylee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    C# and Java is good start, but then you have to confront the fact that it's not about programming language. More important thing is programming "framework"
    • Profile picture of the author lovenot
      Profile picture of lovenot
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by alexylee View Post

      C# and Java is good start, but then you have to confront the fact that it's not about programming language. More important thing is programming "framework"
      I totally agree with this. Anyway, one should always start by familiarizing themselves with the logic and coding styles. After that, it doesn't matter what language you are faced with. It will all be easy to pick up and master. I personally recommend that you start with Java as it is strict and therefore will build your core foundation well.
  • Profile picture of the author starli88
    Profile picture of starli88
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If for web development, you should go for PHP, javarscript and HTML
    For desktop development, C# or VB.net
  • Profile picture of the author r2r
    Profile picture of r2r
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes I think C & C++ is the basic language for programming..
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  • Profile picture of the author r2r
    Profile picture of r2r
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    I think C & C++ are the best programming language to start..
    [Private] This Landing Pages has Crazy Lead Capturing Capabilities - http://bit.ly/wplanderswarrior
  • Profile picture of the author jmartinez
    Profile picture of jmartinez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is no best language. Each one is a tool you use to accomplish something. You first need to decide what you want to build, then pick the best platform to build it on.

    With that being said, if your looking to build web related content then learning javascript would be a good idea since it's part of just about everything web related and should be into the future.
  • Profile picture of the author SQLMgmt
    Profile picture of SQLMgmt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you'e asking 'Programming Language', C# or Java is good start.
  • Profile picture of the author Sarahjt
    Profile picture of Sarahjt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For beginners I prefer C or C++ programming languages.
  • Profile picture of the author bateati
    Profile picture of bateati
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    any C# based lanuage in my opinion.

    They're are pretty much the same with a different syntax.
  • Profile picture of the author creativerobert
    Profile picture of creativerobert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    At first you have to learn C for the basic knowledge for the machine language and for web development must be HTML, XML and PHP for sure.
  • Profile picture of the author onlineoops
    Profile picture of onlineoops
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My Language :

    PHP is the best and I use Yii Framework

    My IDE:


    It's best for me
  • Profile picture of the author kashif nazeer
    kashif nazeer
    Profile picture of kashif nazeer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I prefer php to start the language. it is simple and more demanding
  • Profile picture of the author Intellipro
    Profile picture of Intellipro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my opinion PHP..as always..
  • Profile picture of the author conanselmer
    Profile picture of conanselmer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are many programming languages ​​available, but in all the languages ​​C is the best language to get the first time. It is the best language for improved logic. All include basic knowledge of programming in C.
  • Profile picture of the author oclseo
    Profile picture of oclseo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    Try study C++ it is the basis of all programing language existing today.
  • Profile picture of the author kamirao
    Profile picture of kamirao
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For web programming, PHP is great.
    If you are talking about programming generally, then python is good to start with.
  • Profile picture of the author DavidWincent
    Profile picture of DavidWincent
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    According to me, you must start with HTML for web development. It is quiet simple and easy to learn for the newbies. For programming it is good to start with C. Yes, C is the basic of all programming languages. You must get your logic clear by using this language so later it will be helpful for you to develop complex applications using .NET.
  • Profile picture of the author fergalezras
    Profile picture of fergalezras
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I suggest you study the C + + or C # that is also recommended but I hate Java because of slow loading and the use of large memory, but Java is a very powerful language.
  • Profile picture of the author apolwar
    Profile picture of apolwar
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    I think HTML. They always say 'start with the basic'.
  • Profile picture of the author aricajwalker
    Profile picture of aricajwalker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Choice of language depends on your application and the services you provide. If you want to provide online services, then PHP is the language or if you want the ASP application then. NET is the best. PHP will make your website search engine friendly and easy to promote online. You can speak with the language consultant or directly with the companies providing such services
  • Profile picture of the author John Ac
    John Ac
    Profile picture of John Ac
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Since I'm also new in this, I would give my opinion, or better say my experience.
    As programming languages I will say PHP, the motives you can find it in the all the post above, simple, you will find a lot of help and example. But it have his limitation, and to skip that I find Pearl

    As for web development start with HTML and the go to CSS

    As I said... this formula worked for me.

    Thank you
  • Profile picture of the author SamirRastogi
    Profile picture of SamirRastogi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here is a free course by Stanford University on Programming. This is an intro course and it teaches JAVA.

    Stanford School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere
  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    Profile picture of CyberSEO
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    Originally Posted by rijans View Post

    Does anybody know Which is the best programming language to get start?
    The best programming language to start with is C, which syntax is being used as a base for many popular programming and scripting languages (C++, C#, Java, PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript etc).
    CyberSEO Pro - the almighty content syndicator for WordPress with a wide range of cutting edge AI technologies for SEO, such as OpenAI ChatGPT-4, DeepL, WordAI, Article Forge, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and others. Promote CyberSEO Pro and earn 20% on every sale! [ VIDEO ]
  • Profile picture of the author hemant kumar
    hemant kumar
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    • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
      Profile picture of CyberSEO
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      Originally Posted by hemant kumar View Post

      Dot Net Is the best.
      .Net is not a language, and it's not for beginners.
      CyberSEO Pro - the almighty content syndicator for WordPress with a wide range of cutting edge AI technologies for SEO, such as OpenAI ChatGPT-4, DeepL, WordAI, Article Forge, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and others. Promote CyberSEO Pro and earn 20% on every sale! [ VIDEO ]
  • Profile picture of the author plepco
    Profile picture of plepco
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    There is no "best" - languages are just tools. The programmer is what makes a language good or not good, depending on how he puts it to use.

    That being said, any server-side scripting language is essential. That could be PHP, Perl, Python, or Ruby. Beyond that, you simply won't find a whole lot of people programming for affiliate marketing. Those are the major languages. That's important because if you wish to purchase scripts or share code, you want to have a lot to choose from. (Actually, PHP is most prevalent in this respect.)

    Also, become familiar with SQL. Most hosting is going to be MySQL so if you know it, you can use it.
  • Profile picture of the author pfreelancer
    Profile picture of pfreelancer
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    It depends on what you want to do with your programs. Web programming would be PHP. Desktop programming would be C++/VisualBasic.
  • Profile picture of the author NewDeveloper
    Profile picture of NewDeveloper
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    Go for C . For the purpose of clearing fundamentals of programming, go to the fundamental programming language itself. It helps in realizing the actual intricacies involved in programming, which other scripting languages and not even java can help in.
  • Profile picture of the author aniket1988
    Profile picture of aniket1988
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Software Development
    - C & C++ (The basic important language)
    - Java (The advanced object oriented programming language. You can create applet programs, swing applications to dynamic website with SQL backends using Java Server pages. There are many other, more advanced modules of java.)
    - SQL (For database integration & its basic knowledge is important. Reason being it also forms backend for PHP.)

    Website Development
    - HTML & CSS
    - jQuery integration
    - PHP
    - CMS platforms like Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress

    I myself am familiar with C, C++, JAVA (core part for now & learning advanced J2EE).
    Im also good with HTML, CSS, jquery. Have built websites using Drupal CMS.
    I also provide Freelance Website Designing Services using drupal.
  • Profile picture of the author rockiealba
    Profile picture of rockiealba
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would recommend PHP with MySQL as a second step in the process of starting / learning as they are both easy to learn languages ​​very powerful and very well documented online.
  • Profile picture of the author website design
    website design
    Profile picture of website design
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    websites start with installing xampp on your desktop, then install a CMS like wordpress, grab a free template you like and start playing around customizing images, widths and other front end html and css stuff.

    After you get a good grasp on html and css then move onto php and then javascript.

    This should get you started and will be able to build most websites with this framework.
    no sig needed.
  • Profile picture of the author joanah
    Profile picture of joanah
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PHP would be a good start if you want to go for website development. But you have to learn HTML and javascript.
  • Profile picture of the author redleafloans
    Profile picture of redleafloans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It depends on what you want to do. It's good to know C first because I think that's the starting point of all programmers. Other programming languages might have a different syntax but the concept would still revolve around C.

    PHP would great if you're going for web development...
  • Profile picture of the author shermancox
    Profile picture of shermancox
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow...C as the first language? That is kind of tough...C is like New York, "If You Can Make It There, You'll Make It Anywhere"...If you can code well in C then you can code anything, so take the plunge if you will, but I think that you might want a different first language.

    But as others have said, it largely depends on your reason for coding...

  • Profile picture of the author transparentb
    Profile picture of transparentb
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    PHP is trash for beginning as a web developer. DO NOT LEARN ON IT. Go for Python or Ruby. Learn SQL and JS on the side. Pickup HTML and CSS afterwards.
  • Profile picture of the author sandhyaijdv
    Profile picture of sandhyaijdv
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yes PHP is easy to learn.
    C language is basic programming language. If you do not know about C then may be difficult to handle all things.
    • Profile picture of the author openxcellaus
      Profile picture of openxcellaus
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      • Profile picture of the author kamirao
        Profile picture of kamirao
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by openxcellaus View Post

        PHP is good for start but I think first you have to learn HTML language for web development because HTML is the basic language to learn.
        HTML is not a programming language, it is markup language. PHP however is server side programming language or even better "scripting" language.
  • Profile picture of the author htmlthis
    Profile picture of htmlthis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would have to say that Python is one of the easiest programming languages to start with. It is being taught in different 101 college classes.

    Get the Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner third edition by Michael Dawson. As I remember it should be around 30$ on Amazon.
  • Profile picture of the author phpg
    Profile picture of phpg
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    I love python, but i disagree, php is easier, though not sure is that a good thing or not... I think for many people it would be too hard to understand even basic concepts, e.g. how import (in python) works...
  • Profile picture of the author WebdevelopmentGroup
    Profile picture of WebdevelopmentGroup
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    Learn the basic of "HTML" Look it up..
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  • Profile picture of the author Saad Host
    Saad Host
    Profile picture of Saad Host
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    java and PHP is the best programming language to get start
  • Profile picture of the author mcygnet
    Profile picture of mcygnet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my Opinion you should start with VB.net...
  • Profile picture of the author mopsyd
    Profile picture of mopsyd
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    Well, I suppose it mostly depends on what you want to do with it. For the web I would suggest learning things in this order: HTML, CSS, javascript, php, MySQL. Using libraries like CakePHP, JQuery, etc will speed up your workflow, but you will have a better understanding of programming if you hard code from scratch. If you are approaching this specifically to get results on a project, use the libraries and then go back after you have things up and running to learn the ins and outs.
    This is basically what each of the web languages you will most likely use do:
    HTML - Displays the webpage, basically the skeleton.
    CSS - Makes the page look stylish and appealing.
    Javascript - Makes the viewers browser do things using their computers processing power. Good for dynamic content, but not very secure. Use it for AJAX functions and bells and whistles.
    PHP - Runs on the server, does dynamic things behind the scenes. This is the default for moving dynamic data and content and is much more secure than javascript. Since it does not run on the users computer, it cannot do anything to the page once the page is loaded, you have to use javascript for that.
    MySQL - This is the means of searching and updating records. Think of your database like a giant filing cabinet and MySQL is the means of finding, adding, altering, or deleting that data.
    Actionscript - This is the programming language used in conjunction with Flash. You can use either AS2, or AS3. AS2 has more documentation, but AS3 is much more similar to javascript and can be easier to learn (and also more powerful) if you already have some experience there.
    ASP - This is a microsoft implementation that serves a similar function to PHP. I really haven't done much with it so I can't really give you too much info.
    Jscript - A microsoft implementation of javascript. Very similar aside from a few minor syntax differences as far as I have experienced.

    Application programming can be done with Java, Ruby, C++, C#, C, Python, etc. Depending on the environment your server runs on. VB is very effective in a microsoft environment, and VBA is a stripped down version included in Microsoft Office to allow you to add functionality to the existing business software.

    Resources for learning:
    www . w3schools . com - learn most web languages here in easy steps.
    www . khanacademy . org - nice set of easy to follow video tutorials on Python if you choose to go that route.

    www . stackoverflow . com - useful community for getting quick and concise answers to practical programming dilemmas.
    www . kirupa . com - same as previous

    I would advise shying away from flash for the time being and focusing more on other languages that don't require a third party plugin. Flash will likely phase out in the not to distant future as successive improvements to html include more and more of the dynamic functions traditionally covered by flash. Also you will be alienating iOS users if you focus on flash, and there is really no reason to give up any potential market share if that can be avoided. Hope this helps you.

    I had to add spaces to my links because I don't have enough posts yet :/
    Just remove the spaces I guess.
  • Profile picture of the author AVIRA
    Profile picture of AVIRA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    v.net lang
  • Profile picture of the author Assefseer
    Profile picture of Assefseer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    it depend on you which type of language you required to learn.there are many languages in market available.
  • Profile picture of the author eadweardroger
    Profile picture of eadweardroger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Programing is very wast thing were you have to get started with all the basic, If you are trying learn programing then i would recommend you to learn basic languages like C and C++ first of all.
  • Profile picture of the author Saad Host
    Saad Host
    Profile picture of Saad Host
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PHP is the best programming language to get start.
  • Profile picture of the author letsjoy
    Profile picture of letsjoy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It depends which spectrum you want to work on, if its web PHP with base knowledge would be easy otherwise for software C is still the best to get started..
  • Profile picture of the author landen
    Profile picture of landen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want to start learning computer programming start with a good book or tutorial on programming.
  • Profile picture of the author System Wide Solutions
    System Wide Solutions
    Profile picture of System Wide Solutions
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The best one is C/C++
  • Profile picture of the author derek.ang
    Profile picture of derek.ang
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1) html 2) php 3) java

    This is my language flow.

    Get a free mobile site

  • Profile picture of the author hacktheworld
    Profile picture of hacktheworld
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Desktop= JAVA
    Web= PHP
  • Profile picture of the author Jennifer Eagan
    Jennifer Eagan
    Profile picture of Jennifer Eagan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have the same exact question, I searched online and I came up with this, you will have to learn more than one programming language if you intend to make money out of it, there are some courses that gives you introduction to programming, that's what they take in university in the first year, in second year they start with C++ and database programming like SQL, you can start with Python then C++ then MySQL.
  • Profile picture of the author qualityweb
    Profile picture of qualityweb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    According to me PHP and Mysql is the best programming language to start only if you have the good knowledge in C.
  • Profile picture of the author YemTv
    Profile picture of YemTv
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    You learn Visual Basic.it's easy to learn and helps you in future.
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  • Profile picture of the author thetaspark
    Profile picture of thetaspark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1st decide which path to follow, Web or App Dev???
    You can get started with Web development (HTML5 and CSS3), then moving to database (SQL) and scripting languages (PHP, AJAX).
    OR start with App development (C# or Java), then moving to web development as above...
  • Profile picture of the author Prateek Dwivedi
    Prateek Dwivedi
    Profile picture of Prateek Dwivedi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Depends, on a lot of factors. I was working as a security researcher/ethical hacker. So my first language was Python. Worked for me. On the other hand, I would have failed miserably if web designing was my field and I learned Pythin instead.
  • Profile picture of the author System Wide Solutions
    System Wide Solutions
    Profile picture of System Wide Solutions
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This depends on the requirement of yours. Every language has its own set of advantages and expertise on certain fields. So nothing is bad.
  • Profile picture of the author clou
    Profile picture of clou
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Start with HTML and CSS fist. Next PHP
  • Profile picture of the author dreamtech
    Profile picture of dreamtech
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PHP is a pretty loose language though. Some people seem to think it is better to learn a statically typed language such as Java first, or even a relatively low-level language such as C, since it will give you a better idea of how the machine itself operates.
  • Profile picture of the author gowthamgutha
    Profile picture of gowthamgutha
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    'C' is always the best programming language to start with, it is robust, reliable, easy, structured, powerful, a must learn language for every CS student
  • Profile picture of the author cafayzieg
    Profile picture of cafayzieg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Personally, I like php. Of course, C # is quite simple and C++ is best.
  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Profile picture of rising_sun
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Start C then go to C++,
    for professional language learn PHP or C# dot net.
    At first learn raw programming then go to the core.

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