Just bought Viral inviter...having trouble getting it to work.
I just bought viral inviter 2 weeks ago and I'm still having trouble getting it to work. I paid 297 for it and while it looked great, and was suppose to go with step by step videos / pdfs I found that it seemed to skip steps and unless you installed programs on cpanel before you would have no idea what to do. (esp considering some of the folders in the video have been renamed)
I tried calling their customer support (the phone number in their emails they send you) however the number did not work and sent me to a botanical garden company... I sent a support ticket using their zendesk about 2 weeks ago with no response as well.
As you can imagine I'm feeling a bit "tricked" atm.
So my question to you guys is has anyone gotten this to work on their site? Is their support just non-existent? Should I go ahead and start the chargeback/refund process?
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