Need some Help with jQuery Mobile / chocolatechip-ui

Profile picture of wrxbuzz
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Hi Everyone,

I need help completing my mobile website. I am currently using as my jQuery framework but I got stuck in the middle of my script. I need someone who is experienced in jQuery and jQuery Mobile to help me solve my scripting problems and possibly will be hired again to finish my complete website. This is what I got so far:

My issues:

1) I am generating a list view just fine using json but I don't know how to pass my product id (sku) parameter to the next level as the HREF tag doesn't accept anything external.

2) Once the product page works, I need to implement an "Add Button" on the product page + QTY input, which will store the added items locally. These products will be added to a Basket which will then be submitted to my MySQL database + email notification.

3) And finally I need a signup login page which will work with my MySQL database authentication table.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

#chocolatechipui #jquery #mobile

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