Need programmer help
We get an order - We search our files for the correct courier - we select a courier and send
him an email - telling him he has an alert - and must sign in to his alert page (wishlist member platform) (we would most likely
send this message to more than one courier at the same time)
First courier to accept causes the alert to no longer be available to other couriers .........BUT, I must be able
to over-ride this in case a courier accepts and then changes his mind
Courier Signs in .............. If he has any new alerts he would have been notified by email ..... and
instructed to go to his alert page .......
Goes to his alert page ..... if he has an alert ... it is there .... But no contact information for the customer is
visible ... only the brief description of what is to be done, what time it has to be done, and the city it is in
..... and how much it pays ...
He must then select ................ Accept X or .......... Decline X
If he has accepted ............... the contact information is now visible .....and his contact information is
emailed to the customer .....advising the customer that a courier has been selected and here is his name
and contact information ...
If he declines .... The alert goes away ... disappears .... And I am notified that he declined by email...
This order is now his .... And stays on his alert board until completed ....after completion it would go into a
completed file....
Upon completion he must enter the time it was completed .... The name of the person signing for the
delivery .....
And then certify that the delivery was completed per the customers instructions ...
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