Demand of programming language

Profile picture of eternalwarrior
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53 replies
Which programming language now has the highest demand?
#demand #language #programming
  • Profile picture of the author extralink
    Profile picture of extralink
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    It's actually a really tough question to answer, it depends on a whole bunch of variables - what are you programming for?

    If you're looking to program, say, websites, you'd want to go with something like PHP, perhaps, and a few designed-oriented things like CSS.

    Web based, multimedia driven stuff you're probably still looking at Actionscript.

    Windows based program is probably closer to Java / C#.
    Applications that can run on most different machines, probably Java.

    Phone based development is now driven by a lot of C / C# - Windows phone 7, for example, is mostly C#, Apple (so, I phone) is driven by more by C.

    Games? Maybe C++ for Windows, or again C# for Xbox Live arcade.

    That might not help you too much - what is it you're looking to do? Give me a little more detail and I'll try to direct you a little better
    • Profile picture of the author Amandasimmons
      Profile picture of Amandasimmons
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Well said

      Originally Posted by extralink View Post

      It's actually a really tough question to answer, it depends on a whole bunch of variables - what are you programming for?

      If you're looking to program, say, websites, you'd want to go with something like PHP, perhaps, and a few designed-oriented things like CSS.

      Web based, multimedia driven stuff you're probably still looking at Actionscript.

      Windows based program is probably closer to Java / C#.
      Applications that can run on most different machines, probably Java.

      Phone based development is now driven by a lot of C / C# - Windows phone 7, for example, is mostly C#, Apple (so, I phone) is driven by more by C.

      Games? Maybe C++ for Windows, or again C# for Xbox Live arcade.

      That might not help you too much - what is it you're looking to do? Give me a little more detail and I'll try to direct you a little better
  • Profile picture of the author eternalwarrior
    Profile picture of eternalwarrior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am not programming for anything, but I am learning PHP. I noticed that lot of people know PHP language and many newbie are learning it.

    So I am wondering that it will not be a better idea to learn PHP since I will have to compete with many people to get work related to PHP.

    I am thinking of shifting to other programming language. My interest is mainly on web application.

    What do you say? Should I continue learning PHP or discontinue it and move to another? Or finish PHP and then move to other language?
    • Profile picture of the author BlackMetal
      Profile picture of BlackMetal
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      Originally Posted by eternalwarrior View Post

      I am not programming for anything, but I am learning PHP. I noticed that lot of people know PHP language and many newbie are learning it.

      So I am wondering that it will not be a better idea to learn PHP since I will have to compete with many people to get work related to PHP.

      I am thinking of shifting to other programming language. My interest is mainly on web application.

      What do you say? Should I continue learning PHP or discontinue it and move to another? Or finish PHP and then move to other language?
      you're making web apps, so you're really competing against people that make web apps, not just php.
      But stick with php, dont go for the rarest or highest paying, as by the time you finish your course it may no longer be in use.
  • Profile picture of the author Amandasimmons
    Profile picture of Amandasimmons
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    Well, I love Python, C, C# and Java....But soon spend some weekends on Ruby (slightly different stuff)

    Everything's in demand. It all depends on you...Be the master of one or two of them instead of becoming the Jack of all of them.

    Good luck!
    • Profile picture of the author stevenh512
      Profile picture of stevenh512
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      Originally Posted by Amandasimmons View Post

      Well, I love Python, C, C# and Java....But soon spend some weekends on Ruby (slightly different stuff)
      I remember when Ruby (and Rails especially) was so slow it was almost considered a toy by most serious developers. These days I love it, Rails saves me a lot of time in turning an idea into actual working code that I can put online (Heroku helps with that too, I can prototype something and host it for free with a simple "git push").

      If you haven't already, check out Node.js, evented Javascript (or the slightly simpler Coffeescript) on the server. It uses Google's V8 Javascript VM so it's extremely fast, there isn't a good "Rails-like" framework available for it as far as I know but it's not hard to use.

      Everything's in demand. It all depends on you...Be the master of one or two of them instead of becoming the Jack of all of them.
      Realistically, as much as I love more modern solutions like Ruby/Rails, Python/Django or Node.js, for web development PHP is still the most in demand programming language. That seems to be changing, especially with so many Silicon Valley startups moving forward and doing some really awesome things with these newer technologies, but for now PHP is still an important language to know.

      This signature intentionally left blank.

  • Profile picture of the author FredBliss
    Profile picture of FredBliss
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    Hi Nasif,

    I think you'll find that PHP, Python, Ruby, and C# are the four most in-demand, and Javascript will go hand-in-hand with any one of these, especially jQuery and Mootools frameworks, and CSS and HTML as well for that matter.

    I would like to temper that however, by telling you that the marketplace at-large is not looking for mediocrity in, let's say two different languages. They want the best person they can get in a single language. I've stayed extremely specialized, even narrowing my work down to one PHP Framework as my core focus, and making myself visible in a very specific toolset has helped me keep centered on what I can do the best. I wouldn't attempt to take on more than PHP right now since you are already on it. There is no reason you can't go out and build a business with sufficient knowledge just with PHP. I hope that helps reassure you of your choices.

    • Profile picture of the author extralink
      Profile picture of extralink
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you're developing for the web - and mostly websites - I'd recommend you stick with PHP. The thing I like with PHP is it's nice and simple, but powerful too - if you want it to be.

      You can object oriented program... if you want to.

      Also, an interesting point that I'd like to make...

      Or finish PHP and then move to other language
      In my opinion - and others may disagree - is that you never really finish learning a programming language. You can get the basics and move on, but you'll always find new, interesting ways to do things. It can be a lot of fun.

      As an example for something you can do in php - I use it with MySQL to create relatively dynamic websites. Two examples, if you'd like to see them (for inspiration, neither of these are selling anything) -

      (Sorry, I can't post links yet) - - Basically, a line of text that anyone can update, anonymously or not. It grew from that in to a mini social network. - More suited to football (soccer) fans, but all that does is generates random football rumours. It's more just a bit of fun. The reason I share that one is because it took a little under an hour to make.

      I realise I've gone on a bit here, but I just wanted to make it clear - PHP is pretty cool, certainly for web development... if that's what you want to use it for. Usually, when I'm prototyping an idea, I'll go to Java first, and often us any logic I come up with in PHP if I decide to turn it in to a web application.

      If you get stuck, or have any questions when you're learning, either post them here or feel free to send me a private message, and I'll do what I can to help.

      Good luck, and have fun!

      Edit - Just wanted to back these guys up (not that they need it!), but I completely agree with this:

      Be the master of one or two of them instead of becoming the Jack of all of them.
      There is no reason you can't go out and build a business with sufficient knowledge just with PHP
  • Profile picture of the author TopicSpan
    Profile picture of TopicSpan
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    I'd like to throw a bit in to the conversation here. I remain unconvinced that Python is very popular - I know of two local sites that use Python, and both of them struggle to find devs. It is very easy to discuss languages that are popular (heck, C and C++ are the base languages that most of the world's core operating systems are written in), but what you really want to understand is which languages are financially viable to learn. Here's a breakdown:

    1. PHP - if you are developing web applications, you can't really go wrong with PHP. It's open source, widely supported in FOSS web apps, and supports both procedural and OOP coding styles. This makes it easy to learn (relatively), and you don't need to understand patterns and practices to really get into the groove (although there are MVC frameworks and so on). Fairly well supported commercially as well - if you want to get a job as a web developer, PHP is a great choice.

    2. C# and associated .NET technologies. Whilst there are popular, large websites built on ASP.NET, it really is the wrong technology if you want to build your own sites (it is more expensive to build and host ASP.NET sites than PHP sites on equivalent hardware). That having been said, C# (along with ASP.NET and Silverlight) are in use and popular at many, many companies. If you want to get a job as a developer, then this is your best bet. You would do well to come to a deep understanding of various patterns and practices (eg. MVVM).

    3. Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails. There is a strong, strong movement towards Ruby-on-Rails as the prominent web development platform for the future. It is dead easy to understand if you are a competent developer, and is heavily baked into cloud technologies (eg. Heroku). If you want to be part of the next generation, then this is an excellent choice. There is definite commercial demand in the Ruby-on-Rails space, in particular, but not as much as, say, PHP.

    4. JavaScript (and, by extension, Java). If you want to get involved in web development, it is pretty much a given that you have to learn JavaScript. But it has other uses too - for example, Node.js is a fantastic technology for modern server-side service development, and you write Node.js code in JavaScript. In addition, mobile app development in Appcelerator Titanium and MoSync's Wormhole are all heavily invested in the JS space. Well worth learning, and definitely on the rise commercially.
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    • Profile picture of the author extralink
      Profile picture of extralink
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      TopicSpan, nice addition to the conversation, some more useful stuff in there.
      I like Python... But more to read. I don't code in it a lot, but I've always found it one of the nicer languages to look through code in.

      If you don't mind me saying, something (and this isn't a personal thing, honest!), but I disagree with this...

      Originally Posted by TopicSpan View Post

      JavaScript (and, by extension, Java).
      The two are actually pretty unrelated, despite the similar names. The best comparison I've ever read (that for me, really sums it up), was this (from Stack Overflow):

      Java and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar.
      Made me laugh, anyways
      • Profile picture of the author TopicSpan
        Profile picture of TopicSpan
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        Originally Posted by extralink View Post

        The two are actually pretty unrelated, despite the similar names. The best comparison I've ever read (that for me, really sums it up), was this (from Stack Overflow):
        Hah hah - yeah, sorry, didn't mean to imply that they are related. They are syntactically similar (more so than C# and Java are), so what I meant to imply is that if you learn JavaScript you will at least know a lot of the syntax constructs that Java uses. They are, of course, very different beasts, and I wouldn't expect a developer that knows JavaScript to be able to write a set of MapReduce functions for Hadoop
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  • Profile picture of the author jaasmit
    Profile picture of jaasmit
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    The most demandable programming language is the concept of oop or object oriented programming.
    It is a very powerful way to do programming.
  • Profile picture of the author John Ayling
    John Ayling
    Profile picture of John Ayling
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    Couldn't agree more with the idea of specializing in a language/platform and getting really good at it. There's enough work out there so you don't need to think you need to become a generalist at lots of languages.

    The more you become proficient in one language, you'll find it's easier to learn other languages when you need to.
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  • Profile picture of the author locke815
    Profile picture of locke815
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Any programming language has the demands. Try diversify and learn more languages if you can. You'll be more marketable in that way.
  • Profile picture of the author thelearningman
    Profile picture of thelearningman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Based on our incoming training requests, I would say C# or anything .NET related. Java is a close second.
  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Profile picture of rising_sun
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    java if you are sun certified,
    and php if you are zend certified.
  • Profile picture of the author diklon
    Profile picture of diklon
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    I working PHP programming last one year. According to my experience nowadays most demand language is PHP great features and fast and easy way.
  • Profile picture of the author Nicole7575
    Profile picture of Nicole7575
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    C# / ++, .NET, JAVA, PHP
  • Profile picture of the author wayfarer
    Profile picture of wayfarer
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    Believe it or not, the language with the most demand, is plain C, which means that most of the answers here are arbitrary, based on personal experience only, or just simply not researched.

    There is such a huge amount of code written in C, that means it still needs to be maintained. You can get a good idea of the popularity of programming languages by looking at the TIOBE Programming Community Index. C has been at or near the top of this list for many many years.

    Realistically though, you don't need to be a C programmer, just because it has the highest demand (though knowing C will help you with most any other language). I totally agree with the sentiment that you should become specialized. This sometimes means learning an unusual discipline. If there is more demand for a language than supply of good programmers, your value will go up.
    I build web things, server things. I help build the startup Veenome. | Remote Programming Jobs
  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Profile picture of brettb
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    Forget the PHP fanboys here, C# or Java are better for earning money. Niche skills like Sharepoint or CRM are also very hot.

    C# is my choice - it's very easy to learn and hugely extendable. It's way easier than the mess of functions that is PHP.

    I build my smaller sites in C# - it's dead easy because I have a load of reusable classes for data access, emailing etc. GoDaddy are pretty good for cheap ASP.NET hosting. SQL Server is the sticking point - it's very expensive to host medium sized sites. I've switched to MySQL which works very nicely with C#.

    Having said that, one of the highest paid skills in the city of London is VBA.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Ayling
      John Ayling
      Profile picture of John Ayling
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      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      Forget the PHP fanboys here, C# or Java are better for earning money. Niche skills like Sharepoint or CRM are also very hot.

      C# is my choice - it's very easy to learn and hugely extendable. It's way easier than the mess of functions that is PHP.

      I build my smaller sites in C# - it's dead easy because I have a load of reusable classes for data access, emailing etc. GoDaddy are pretty good for cheap ASP.NET hosting. SQL Server is the sticking point - it's very expensive to host medium sized sites. I've switched to MySQL which works very nicely with C#.

      Having said that, one of the highest paid skills in the city of London is VBA.
      VBA! Maybe so highly paid because it's so god-awful after using C#
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  • Profile picture of the author Miteshaegis
    Profile picture of Miteshaegis
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    demanded Programming language in today because they have the more features and they will use to make any web application and software fast and easy way.

    Now highest demand of Programming language is followings
    PHP,, JAVA
    • Profile picture of the author wayfarer
      Profile picture of wayfarer
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Miteshaegis View Post

      Now highest demand of Programming language is followings
      PHP,, JAVA
      Again, totally arbitrary, and/or based only on personal experience. Also, total nonsense. Plus the fact that ASP.NET is not even a programming language, it is a framework.
      I build web things, server things. I help build the startup Veenome. | Remote Programming Jobs
      • Profile picture of the author TopicSpan
        Profile picture of TopicSpan
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        Originally Posted by wayfarer View Post

        Again, totally arbitrary, and/or based only on personal experience. Also, total nonsense. Plus the fact that ASP.NET is not even a programming language, it is a framework.
        I wish this was Reddit and I could send you a million upvotes for this comment!
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  • Profile picture of the author alexdan4
    Profile picture of alexdan4
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    programming language based on highest demand is Java.
  • Profile picture of the author godavid
    Profile picture of godavid
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    It depends on what you want. If you want to develop for web your priority should be:

    1. Javascript & Node.js
    2. Ruby & Ruby on Rails
  • Profile picture of the author danielepr
    Profile picture of danielepr
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    Java (enterprise version: J2EE) and PHP!

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  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
    Profile picture of RichBeck
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    I would begin with PHP and MySQL. Next, I would learn Object Oriented Programming and Design Patterns.

    After you have mastered those, I would dig into Ruby on Rails.

    God Bless,

    Rich Beck
  • Profile picture of the author bizworldusa
    Profile picture of bizworldusa
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    Now a days i think C# / ++, .NET, JAVA, PHP and some other languages are demanded. In this every language is demand. It all depends on you...Be the master of one or two of them instead of becoming the Jack of all of them.

    thank you
  • Profile picture of the author freeadstime
    Profile picture of freeadstime
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    php is great even if there is a large number of people are using it. If you happen to work for yourself, sky is the limit with PHP.
  • Profile picture of the author eonejames
    Profile picture of eonejames
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    As per my point of view ASP.NET is the best programming language where you can create dynamic pages but its depended on you that which languages are useful to get your website or services visible.
  • Profile picture of the author rasynomarlo
    Profile picture of rasynomarlo
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    I would like to say to Nasif that its not weird that you are learning PHP and you know this thing very well. Now as far as competition is concerned, then even if you will choose or opt for the other languages, you will have to face the competition there also. PHP is not at all poor and has many scopes. In fact many established IT companies have chosen this platform as their main source of website designing.
  • Profile picture of the author locke815
    Profile picture of locke815
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    I think open source language right now is in demand.
  • Profile picture of the author ZishanAhmed
    Profile picture of ZishanAhmed
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    I believe every programming language has demand. Demand is based on requirement and requirement. Point is, you must master on any one language and its also necessary to get at least basic knowledge of other languages. So that i believe you will well run in any competition of market. for example, if you learn PHP then be master on PHP or if you learn ASP.NET then be master on this.
  • Profile picture of the author spaniard26
    Profile picture of spaniard26
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    You can't go wrong with HTML5+CSS3+JavaScript and then some C# with ASP.NET MVC.

    It's a steep learning curve but if you master it the sky is the limit.
  • Profile picture of the author wayfarer
    Profile picture of wayfarer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's some interesting information from people who have actually done research on this subject:
    Tier One: C#, Java, PHP, C++, Objective C, JavaScript, Python, C, Ruby, Perl and Shell
    Tier Two: Scala, Actionscript, Haskell
    Tier Three: R, Assembly, Visual Basic, Coldfusion, F#, Groovy, ASP, Clojure, Erlang, Lua, Scheme, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp
    Tier Four: D, Fortran, OCaml, Tcl, Go, Smalltalk, Viml
    Tier Five: IO, Racket, VHDL, Verilog, Haxe, Objective-J, Boo, Vala, Coffeescript, Supercollider, Ada, Self, Arc, Eiffel, Factor, Nu, Sclang, PureData, Duby, ooc
    From this article: A couple years old but still interesting.
    I build web things, server things. I help build the startup Veenome. | Remote Programming Jobs
  • Profile picture of the author ZishanAhmed
    Profile picture of ZishanAhmed
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    Well said Wayfarer. Like it.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • Profile picture of the author SC Qbiki
    SC Qbiki
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    I believe the ones required for mobile app development : Objective C and Java
  • Profile picture of the author STG
    Profile picture of STG
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    The Market is demanding actually a lot of QA Testers...
  • Profile picture of the author Rotwic
    Profile picture of Rotwic
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    I wouldnt recommend you go berserk on all languages at once. Figure out if you want to do web based programming or software/application based programming. For the latter, Java, C++ and Python would be fun to learn. For web based, the basics you will need to know are HTML/CSS, Javascript and PHP.
  • Profile picture of the author freeadstime
    Profile picture of freeadstime
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    Know your way out in php, mysql, java, css, html and you're set in a web design business. This business can be yours or others.
  • Profile picture of the author phpindia
    Profile picture of phpindia
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    Now a day PHP is the best and most demanding programming language because its an opensource language and there are lots of CMS's supported by it to develop robust and powerful websites. Around 80 percent of websites are developing in this language.
  • Profile picture of the author arijith04
    Profile picture of arijith04
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    If you consider Java as a highest aspects in programming language then I must say Java is most beautiful Programming language.

    Programs written in Java have a reputation for being slower and requiring more memory than those written in C.[25][26] However, Java programs' execution speed improved significantly with the introduction of Just-in-time compilation.

    Its simplicity, robustness, Object orientation, just awesome in compare to other PL. And its Open source to all of us. Now a days Android is the advanced version of Java using XML.
  • Profile picture of the author dutrowllc
    Profile picture of dutrowllc
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    Python, Java and Javascript. I feel like PHP is maybe the worst.

    I would not suggest going with C++ because it is very difficult to use and becoming less necessary.
  • Profile picture of the author dewanshahedur
    Profile picture of dewanshahedur
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    Actually it will require to find out area which you like most. If you want to work in web based program than PHP, .Net should be your best choice. If you would like to work for desktop/mobile app development than Jave should be best choice. Though Java has JSP to develop website but it's hosting cost so high. That's why JSP demand very less. I love PHP.
  • Profile picture of the author dexlink
    Profile picture of dexlink
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    I'd say PHP and Java.
  • Profile picture of the author Dong Lee
    Dong Lee
    Profile picture of Dong Lee
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    Check out skills tab provided by linkedin. Its iphone developers who are in highest demand
  • Profile picture of the author ashok999333
    Profile picture of ashok999333
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    I think the answer is really depends on the work that needs to be done.

    As for as now java is having good demand. Apart from that C and C++ is also having good demand.
  • Profile picture of the author g r hasib
    g r hasib
    Profile picture of g r hasib
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Actually two type of programing language high demand-able.
    1)Php based
    2) based.
    as your wish .which on is the best.
    I seem to be that both language demand are same.sometime demand depends on situation


  • Profile picture of the author Doddamani
    Profile picture of Doddamani
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    I think python and java are the best because python is a highly popular object-oriented language that is fast to learn and easy to deploy. It can run on various systems like Windows, Linux and Mac thus make it highly coveted for the data analytics domain. I would like to share Python tutorial. Coming to Java it is a powerful general-purpose programming that is object-oriented. It is used widely for developing cutting-edge applications be it for the web or mobile platform. Since it is easy to learn, implement, compile and debug, it is finding much favour among some of the biggest software companies around the world ,I would like to share java tutorial
  • Profile picture of the author kaufen
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    • Profile picture of the author bondox
      Profile picture of bondox
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      Originally Posted by kaufen View Post

      I am not sure if country really matters here. Below are languages which find worth learning:
      • Java
      • C++
      • C
      • Scala
      • Python
      • Ruby
      • R
      • LISP
      • JS
      • NodeJS
      • SQL
      From the list i will probably go for Java/C++, SQL, JS, NodeJS & Python.
      NodeJS is not a programming language. JaveScript (JS) is. NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime engine that lets you write server-side JavaScript code. JavaScript was known to be a client-side (browser) scripting language. It has since evolved into a server-side programming language which means you can build a complete application (both server and client) with JavaScript.
  • Profile picture of the author Corey McCreary
    Corey McCreary
    Profile picture of Corey McCreary
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    I would say, when Bigdata in market better to go for SCALA or PYTHON of huge demand in market. It's really difficult for someone to answer such type of questions, but my prediction is on current market and job opportunity for the programmer. Because big companies like Google, LinkedIn etc. are using SCALA or Python to developed their projects.

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