Want To Create A Basic Word Processor

George Hutton
Profile picture of George Hutton
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
Hello, I hope this is the right forum. I want to create a simple application that I'll use myself offline.

I know very little about programming, so I'm hoping for some kind of visual icon style creator. I know so little about programming I don't even know how to describe what I think I want.:confused:

It's basically a text/typing application type thing.

anyways, this is what I'd imagine it doing:

First, it asks me for some text input. (Input 1)

Then it runs through a list of about 50 pre-written (PW1, PW2, etc) text prompts, each one showing individually along with the text I originally inputted.

Underneath it would have some of box to write my responses in.

Kind of like this:

Input 1
[empty box]

After I'm finished, I would have an output text file of everything I typed in [empty box].

It would look nice if it had some nice boxes, shapes, colors etc, e.g. something I didn't build in my garage with all the nails that fell behind the tool bench.

First, can you understand what I'm after? And second, is there an easy way to create something like this?

Maybe some kind of Word Macro, or other text editor macro?

Thanks in advance for your help.

#basic #create #processor #word
  • Profile picture of the author lamzoR
    Profile picture of lamzoR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This one could be finished in 1-2 days. C or VB.net coding required.
    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
      Brandon Tanner
      Profile picture of Brandon Tanner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you want this to be a desktop software program, then it could easily be done with VB.NET. I could code something like that in an afternoon.

      If you want to DIY, but don't know anything about programming, then you could use an automation/macro program to do it... but if you go that route then you won't have much control over the styling of the input boxes, etc. If you want to give that a go, check out Djuggler.

      Alternately, you could also do something like this using a combination of HTML & PHP, and it would run in your browser. If you want to be able to run PHP files locally though (on your PC), then you would have to install server software on your computer (like XAMPP).

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