Ubot / Zennoposter Bot Programmer Needed for Simple Project

9 replies
Hey Guys:

I need a simple Ubot or Zennoposter bot developed with 8 automated web steps.

No budget.....but I'll make it worth your effort

Post or DM.
#bot #needed #programmer #project #simple #ubot #zennoposter
  • Profile picture of the author illmill
    LOL. Money would make it worth someone's effort. Think about it, dude, why would someone waste time creating something for you when they could just spend that time creating something that will make them money?
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    • Profile picture of the author MarcCharles
      Originally Posted by illmill View Post

      LOL. Money would make it worth someone's effort. Think about it, dude, why would someone waste time creating something for you when they could just spend that time creating something that will make them money?
      Thanks.....but I'm not your "dude". I was posting a simple request. I'm not interested in your commentary. For some people recommending a product to my 510k subscribers is worth more than a couple of hundred dollars for a third grade programming project.
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      • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
        Originally Posted by MarcCharles View Post

        Thanks.....but I'm not your "dude". I was posting a simple request. I'm not interested in your commentary. For some people recommending a product to my 510k subscribers is worth more than a couple of hundred dollars for a third grade programming project.

        If you can guarantee me that just 1% of your subscribers (5,100) will purchase a $47 Clickbank product of your choice via my affiliate link (which, figuring a 50% commission rate, would come out to over $100,000 profit for me)... then I will be more than happy to complete any "third grade level" programming project for you.

        1% isn't even considered a very good conversion rate, so I think that's more than fair.


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        • Profile picture of the author TishTopicsTV
          It's always a good idea to let folks know what worth their while might be. Glad you cleared it up. Hope it all worked out...
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  • Profile picture of the author trance92071
    Hey Marc let me know if you are still looking for someone, I may be able to help you out.
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    WOW MARC! You aren't even 8yo yet and have 510K subscribers?

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    • Profile picture of the author MarcCharles
      Hi Steve:

      I didn't get your post.

      Can you program Ubot or Zennposter?


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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    heh funny this thread didnt get deleted yet...
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  • Profile picture of the author noone2407
    Hi let me know if you are still looking for someone, I may be able to help you .
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