4 replies

do you guys know what languange they used to create this tool? very cool interface
#backlink #miner
  • Profile picture of the author Michael71
    It's a desktop program, right?

    I am not going to download it but in this case it could be done with adobe air, visual basic or any other language...

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  • Profile picture of the author RenardNET
    Yeap, its desktop software so there is no easy way to find out what language was used. But such interface can be created in any of top current languages I think.
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  • Profile picture of the author eagle25
    Hi, I've seen Seobot.com and wondered if they are legit? They want $59 to see all their software that has been cracked. Has anyone been scammed by them? Can't find out too much about them so far. Thanks.

    Are you bored with your job?

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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Conibere
    If there's OSX and Windows versions then I'd say it's most likely AIR (or possibly Java), otherwise could presume native Windows which would be VB, C# or C++
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