Can someone help me with CSS (Pictures inside)

Profile picture of MikeFranks
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Hey, thanks in advance if you can help me. Here is an image from a template which I'm looking for - as you see, the web page is divided into blocks of blue and white, what code do I need to implement to successfully pull this off, myself?

Any help would be grateful, also I'm looking for the name of the specific style that's used; as in, is there a specific name to have a blocked page like that - just so I can Google it in the future for reference.

Thanks again, in advance.

Have a great day
#css #inside #pictures
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew H
    Andrew H
    Profile picture of Andrew H
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why not just pay $9 for it and see exactly how the author did it?

    Marketing - App Builders HTML | ThemeForest

    Blocks of blue and white? using CSS background color.

    <div class="white-box">
      hey hey hey, here comes white box
    <div class="blue-box">
      hey hey hey, here come BLUE box - cuz blues cool
    // and your .css file has
    .white-box {
       background-color: #fff;
    .blue-box {
       background-color: #0000FF
    "You shouldn't come here and set yourself up as the resident wizard of oz."
    • Profile picture of the author MikeFranks
      Profile picture of MikeFranks
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Andrew H View Post

      Why not just pay $9 for it and see exactly how the author did it?

      Marketing - App Builders HTML | ThemeForest

      Blocks of blue and white? using CSS background color.

      <div class="white-box">
        hey hey hey, here comes white box
      <div class="blue-box">
        hey hey hey, here come BLUE box - cuz blues cool
      // and your .css file has
      .white-box {
         background-color: #fff;
      .blue-box {
         background-color: #0000FF
      Thanks, I was just wondering if anyone knew how before buying it. Even though I don't need.

      Thanks a lot for the help


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