Deprecated HTML & SEO

Profile picture of bertieallsorts
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
H Guys

Im just wondering if theirs a definative answer from some of you pros out their as to if using Deprecated HTML tags effect SEO?

I actually have a website ive been taking a look at that intend to update this week and noticed it uses a fair few deprecated tags according to w3c

is this something worth changing? how much does this effect SEO in the long run


#deprecated #html #seo
  • Profile picture of the author zowmmo
    Profile picture of zowmmo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The Internet has drastically altered the way in which information is shared, and has had a profound impact on marketing. Over the past few years, there has been more of a shift toward inbound techniques, while many outbound tactics have become antiquated. More businesses are finding success publishing original content rather than embedding advertisements within external content, because of the additional benefits these tactics offer, such as branding and audience growth.
  • Profile picture of the author aadi14
    Profile picture of aadi14
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by bertieallsorts View Post

    H Guys

    Im just wondering if theirs a definative answer from some of you pros out their as to if using Deprecated HTML tags effect SEO?

    I actually have a website ive been taking a look at that intend to update this week and noticed it uses a fair few deprecated tags according to w3c

    is this something worth changing? how much does this effect SEO in the long run


    If you are having depreciated HTML tags then you have to remove them for sure. Its not a tough task to do. Just little changes are required like changing a tag line or whatever the error is. And in SEO, if these changes can be resolved then it will be beneficial to some extent but not that much that it may affect your rankings. Its better to be error free rather then going with bugs all around you. You may never know what Google brings in with their Updates.
  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    SEO Power
    Profile picture of SEO Power
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    Deprecated html affects your site negatively because it creates a bad user experience for your visitors since sites using deprecated tags won't display properly on some browsers.
  • Profile picture of the author bertieallsorts
    Profile picture of bertieallsorts
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks For The Input Guys

    Ill get on to it today and make the amendments required


  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    Profile picture of trevord92
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    A lot depends on how common the tag is - most browsers keep displaying deprecated tags for some time - there are quite a few tags still in common use and still being rendered fine that were technically Netscape only and date back to when that was the dominant browser.

    So it's almost certainly not an immediate problem.

    But valid HTML is well worth using as browsers often tighten up how they render pages and that can (and does) break invalid HTML.

    And also make sure that you test how your site displays in as many modern browsers as you can sensibly get hold of. On a Windows machine, I test in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and sometimes Safari. If it validates close to 100% and renders the same in all of those you're as safe as you're likely to be.
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
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    Look at the Google cache (text version), that will help show you what Google is looking at (onpage text/links).

    Be careful editing old webpages that are already ranked. Removing other internal pages/links/text that helped rank a page can drop a page in the SERPs If Google finds links/pages missing on the next crawl.

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