Amazon SEO

by 12 replies
So, there are hundreds, nay THOUSANDS of posts on Google SEO. I'm specifically looking for Amazon SEO tips. I want to get my private label products up the list. Can anyone point me to some good resources?
#search engine optimization #amazon #seo
  • This may help you...

    Ranking in Amazon
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Try to complete 100% your amazon profile and fill all of the requirements of the account to getting satisfaction from customer. Amazon has not any strong algorithm system like GOOGLE so keep try to focus on your profile.
  • Get as many reviews as possible on your new products. Also, you can research keywords with a tool called MerchantWords. It's helped me a ton. Make sure your pictures are high quality, and provide more than 1 picture. Use calls to action in your description and title to get a higher conversion rate. Use pinterest, youtube, etc. to drive extra traffic to your listings.
  • Please be more specific. Are you trying to rank your Amazon product listing on page 1 of Google search, or are you trying to rank your Amazon product page on page 1 of Amazon's search engine??
    • [1] reply
    • I'm hoping to get my product listed higher within Amazon itself. I'm not as concerned about google just yet, that will come later.
  • You will appear higher in the Amazon search results if your product is popular and converts better. This means, you will need to advertise your product off of the Amazon site (such as through Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter) to stimulate those sales and over time, Amazon will recognize your conversion rates and push you to the top of their search results.
  • I think this blog post would be helpful for you
  • Hey Guy.!
    I think you will have high rank in the Amazon if your product is an awesome. Addition , your product is towards your customers.! you can use some social channel as: Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest so that reach a great result

    Hope to your success
  • If you're trying to rank in Amazon search engine, you need to have good number of reviews and ratings while to rank the particular Amazon page in Google, you need to consider it as your money site and create high quality backlinks.
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • Whats your keywords and please specified your location .....
  • As per my experience first you need to add your product with all details and great description then you need to promote your amazon links.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks! What are you using to promote links?

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    So, there are hundreds, nay THOUSANDS of posts on Google SEO. I'm specifically looking for Amazon SEO tips. I want to get my private label products up the list. Can anyone point me to some good resources? Thanks!