Can a handful bad backlinks/ anchor text on aged domains be "undone"?

8 replies
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Given that there seem to be a few aged domains with one dodgy thing or the other, if it is just a handful of bad backlinks and a relatively small amount of bad anchor text, is it easy to undo? Or would the time be better spent researching/finding a good one or just building good backlinks?
#aged #anchor #backlinks or #bad #domains #handful #text #undone
  • Profile picture of the author maninthemiddle
    I would recommend you to save up your time and find a good domain with a cleaner link profile.

    Developing a site in an old domain with a bad link profile is too risky because you won't know if it's carrying a Penguin penalty or not until you roll the site out. If it has been penalized, it won't matter how hard you work to get good links because you'll have to wait until the next algo refresh to see any improvement.
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    • Profile picture of the author dragonsfire1981
      Yes I thought so.

      I guess I might as well get a fresh one. I still haven't got the full knack of buying a decent aged domain down yet.

      Originally Posted by dsan View Post

      I would recommend you to save up your time and find a good domain with a cleaner link profile.

      Developing a site in an old domain with a bad link profile is too risky because you won't know if it's carrying a Penguin penalty or not until you roll the site out. If it has been penalized, it won't matter how hard you work to get good links because you'll have to wait until the next algo refresh to see any improvement.

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  • Profile picture of the author AndresNWD
    I think you would need to weight the value of the time you would need to spend. If you've a bit available, I would try to save those domains with a bit of work sending e-mails to webmasters linking to them. I've found very collaborative webmasters before that offered to change some bad backlinks created years before Penguin. If they don't answer, maybe you could just disavow some of them and let the results show up with time.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    If a domain name has bad links, it would be better to look for a clean one (there are many of them) rather than trying to remove the bad links. Why? Because expired domains with bad backlinks can also have penalties attached to them and you might find yourself trying to remove bad backlinks and penalties at the same time which can be a grueling process.
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  • Profile picture of the author denise@ecomand
    Is there anyway to get rid of bad back links other than contacting each individual company. I tried that and I'm not having much luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1SEOcom
    No the only way is contacting them directly or using google's diavow
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    That disavow tool is like crack around here. That's the answer to everything.
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    • Profile picture of the author FranksToys
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      That disavow tool is like crack around here. That's the answer to everything.
      And unfortunately some of the worst advise possible. Disavow really is a wasted effort.
      "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this - that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."
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