Matt Cutts On Leave..FOREVER ..?

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Reading news about Matt " the head of web spam " Cutts that he planning to extend his leave into 2015 .He announced :

"When I went on leave, I wanted to see how webspam would go without me. I've been talking to people on both the algorithmic and manual webspam teams during my leave, and they've been doing a top-notch job. So I'm planning on extending my leave into 2015."

For me ,Matts"s thought about SEO simply best to be followed when i doin for my site. Question : What seo"s effect if Matt realy leave 4ever..
source :
Is The Matt Cutts Era Over? | WebProNews
#cutts #leaveforever #matt
  • Profile picture of the author WorldImpulse
    He was more their PR guy for spam related issues than the tech guy who would make algorithms.

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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      It doesn't really matter much, another one took his seat and when you look at what he said it isn't much more helpful anyway. First he says the Penguin is rolled out, after he says it takes a few weeks.

      Whether they really don't update him properly or give them to much free speech remains the question, could also be a game they're playing.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMLab
    Originally Posted by donalbebek View Post

    Reading news about Matt " the head of web spam " Cutts that he planning to extend his leave into 2015 .He announced :

    "When I went on leave, I wanted to see how webspam would go without me. I've been talking to people on both the algorithmic and manual webspam teams during my leave, and they've been doing a top-notch job. So I'm planning on extending my leave into 2015."

    For me ,Matts"s thought about SEO simply best to be followed when i doin for my site. Question : What seo"s effect if Matt realy leave 4ever..
    source :
    Is The Matt Cutts Era Over? | WebProNews
    Matt Cutts is just an employee who works for Google. Changing the employee won't change anything in terms of vision or policies. Google will always seek to improve the search results and fight web spam.
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    • Profile picture of the author Calum Jones
      Originally Posted by IMLab View Post

      Matt Cutts is just an employee who works for Google. Changing the employee won't change anything in terms of vision or policies. Google will always seek to improve the search results and fight web spam.
      And eliminate the need for other websites by taking content from sites and putting it in little boxes at the top of search so you stay on Google for longer. Sometimes someone can be SOOOO rich that they could buy a small country, but they still want more.

      A lot of queries now have the little box at the top. Some queries are 100% Google things above the fold, image reels, reviews, sponsored products. How to cook an egg I think was one.
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    • Profile picture of the author anwar001
      Originally Posted by IMLab View Post

      Matt Cutts is just an employee who works for Google. Changing the employee won't change anything in terms of vision or policies. Google will always seek to improve the search results and fight web spam.
      You are spot on! Google will proceed with their policies no matter who the person in-charge is. Moreover, the algorithmic changes are not decided by a single person but by a panel. So not having one guy on your team should not make much of a difference unless that person was the one who was the spearhead of radical and new ideas. It could be that a person brings lots of ideas to the meeting table that others do not. It can be that this person has superior understanding of what needs to change in a given scenario to improve search results. If that is the case then Matt Cutt's leave or his departure from Google might have some sort of effect.
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  • Profile picture of the author devenn27
    "Era"? Give me a break!
    I'm sure he must be busy building a PBN for after retirement income source.
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  • Profile picture of the author promo87
    That's another old new after all he's just an employe working with Google and it doesn't means that there's any matt cutt era !
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  • Profile picture of the author dewalds86
    Well I hope he enjoys his leave very much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hemanth Malli

    It could be the worst thing if Matt is still on leave as we are hit with the pigeon and pirate i just want Matt to comeback and give some algorithms to recover from the update of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author Blaine Smitley
    I always liked Matt and think he made a good front man for Google.

    Nobody can say he didn't make a name for himself with Google. I hope he stays relevant in the industry one way or another. But it's starting to really look as though he may not re-assume the helm as Google's web spam mouth piece.

    Is he leaving Google? Or just maybe going to be representing them in a different capacity?
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  • Profile picture of the author malaxindia
    No dude he is try to give you a new socking news related to promotional site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
    Matt had a very hard job, and I respect him. He is the face of Google when it comes to targeting "spam" - whatever your definition of spam may be. That's PBN's, self-built links, everything.

    Matt Cutts is the person who people blame for destroying their business, yet it's hard to hate him. He's done an excellent job of managing his own reputation, and I think that's a credit to him. He's become "famous" in a good way from annoying thousands of people - who else can say they've done that?

    If he leaves, another will take his place, and I doubt the person will have the same mentality or personality as Matt which is unfortunate. The amount of MEMEs' on Matt alone goes to show how respected he really is.

    Nothing will change regardless.

    Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    I don't think it really matters. Of course, his absence in the SEO world at will definitely be felt by all. But it will not make a big difference in the Google world.

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  • Profile picture of the author IMCapitalist
    I think it's the systematic ground work Matt had put into the way Google anti-spam team work
    is what we should be worry about, with or without him, it remains <more/less> the same with SEO,
    neverending battle
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