Best practice for Title Tags

by 15 replies
Hi people,

I have a webshop and I was wondering about best practice for title tags.

The problem is title tags of a product. For example I have 20 jeans, what would be the best practice for each product?

I was thinking of changing it to "skinny jeans" or "regular jeans" and stuff like that, but would I be hurt of repeating the word jeans so much?

Also would it be a good practite to write it like this "skinny jeans | Web Shop name" if I want to rank for keyword web shop or would that be too much? There are about 200 products fyi.
#search engine optimization #practice #tags #title
  • Banned
    The best practice is unique titles on each page, they can be similar page titles but they have to be unique otherwise most If not all will end up in Supplemental SERPs where they'll never be found by traffic.
  • Profile picture of the author Pdomain
    Unique + take benefit of the 64-character option...

    So instead of using

    skinny jeans


    Top skinny jeans some more sub-keywords

    And don't let the phrase "Web Shop name" appear with all the titles, instead utilize that space with some more unique keywords.
    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      I wouldn't do that, it dilutes the real keyword & makes traffic think. Traffic isn't good at thinking, they'll bail & click a competitors link that's less confusing.

      Focus on what traffic is actually searching for, keep titles as short & compact as possible. If you really need a long page title, fine, but don't do it just to squeeze in more keywords.

      The better alternative to stuffing keywords in the page <title> is to use on-page <h> tags (sparingly) for additional/similar keywords because Google will use <h> tags as alternative SERP titles depending on the search query.
  • Come on Yukon, get up to date on the number of characters you can add to a title tag (actually called a title element, not tag, but still) and correct Pdomain on the incorrect info you quoted.

    This is an easy one Yukon, you should know it's not 64 characters.

    Here's a SERP example:

    Look for the results with title ending ... and count the number of characters. by looking at the ones ending ... we know the maximum number of characters are shown.

    Installing WP on sub domain with error 'The page isn't redirec
    63 not including the space and dots.

    WordPress RSS Feed – The Page isn't Redirecting Properly
    57 not including the space and dots.

    The Page Isn't Redirecting Properly WordPress Error | Jason
    60 not including the space and dots.

    Wordpress redirection problem after moving to a new server
    59 not including the space and dots.

    What on Earth could that mean :-) See SEO Title Tag to answer the question and for a full tutorial on title tag SEO.

    Quiet surprising the SEO ignorance of some of the regulars here who act like they are SEO experts (Yukon, cough). Unlike most of the other people who post here about SEO, I actually have good rankings for some SEO relevant SERPs: I'm in competition with real SEO experts.

    BTW other than that pretty much agree with Yukon, don't keyword stuff your title element and H* headers are great for related SERPs. Internal anchor text is good as well for targeting related SERPs. Best to concentrate your title on a main SERP and anything you have to add for the user.

    • [1] reply
    • Banned

      Yet another fail.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Title tag is main tag in website according to SEO point of view. you should build original and high quality title. it is best for website ranking in google. you should avoid duplicate title tag in website.
  • My advice is to study Amazon and BestBuy and shops like that.

    See what becomes of it...

    David, you're saying 64 chars is the limit?

    See my advice above.
    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      David is not saying about the limit, he is saying to utilize the 64-character option, instead of writing a 64-character title, if you are writing 20-character title, you are living the money on table... we need to take full benefit of this 64-character space...

      And Amazon, more than 90% product titles cross 64-character limit that is good, it is taking the full benefit of SEO....please check
  • I'm guessing the keyword "web shop" would be the target keyword of your homepage and not the entire site or product pages so no need to include it in your product page titles. The title example you gave would be too short in practice so use longer titles by adding some details of the jeans in the titles like a mini product description. Surely those details will differ so your product page titles will be unique. I'm talking about something like this:

    "Blue Denim Jeans For Slim Women"
    "White Baggy Jeans For Men"

    Just examples. Should be longer than these.
  • Banned
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    • The correct name is title element, but so many webmasters have mistaken it for a meta tag most webmasters call it the title tag: more call it tag than element now, that doesn't make it a tag, go learn some basic HTML terminology.

      Go check what the difference between meta tags, elements, attributes are. Again Yukon, shows your lack of basic SEO knowledge.

      In the UK pretty much everyone calls a vacuum cleaner a Hoover even though Hoover is a brand name, not the name for a vacuum cleaner.

      In all seriousness Yukon, why not let everyone here know how awesome an SEO expert you are and post how many characters you can add to the title TAG. You should know the answer by now, you've ducked the question several times???

  • I see what you were talking about Yukon...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • So none of the regular so called SEO experts here going to post how many characters to add to the title tag/element then?

    Two SEO questions.

    How many characters will Google show in a SERPs title?

    How many characters within the title will Google index and rank a page for?

    Yukon, gododoryew...?

    Really embarrassing no one has answered this, this is SEO 101.


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