Keyword position in Google webmaster tool and Analytics

Profile picture of Yavan
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
12 replies
Hello Guys,

In Google webmaster tool and Analytics, my average positions in some keyword is in under 20. But when I check those keywords in other keyword rank checker like SERP, semrush, etc. are showing "no result found".

The position shown in the GWT and Analytics are correct are not, if not then what should I do to find correct keyword position.

Please suggest ?
#analytics #google #keyword #position #tool #webmaster
    • Profile picture of the author elzorro2003
      Profile picture of elzorro2003
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm having this EXACT same problem and I was going to also ask.

      For a specific keyword, on GOOGLE ANALYTICS under SEARCH QUERY it says my site is ranking number 27 in average position. I've used the last week and also current month filter.

      However, when I check other tools, including the one above suggested, it says im 500+

      Does anyone know what's going on? thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Profile picture of MikeFriedman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are hundreds of data centers all over the world. Plus search results are impacted by geo-locations as well as browsing history and personal results.

    Your rank checker is connecting to one data center and is generally not influenced by browsing history/personal results.

    There is no such thing as a static ranking across all of Google anymore.

    What you see in Webmaster Tools was a correct ranking for a specific segment of searchers.
  • Profile picture of the author PBScott
    Profile picture of PBScott
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mike said it correctly above, though I would like to add that things fluctuate also, you could be position 1 for an hour then down to 100 for two. It is not static by any means.

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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Profile picture of st0nec0ld
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is actually the first time I knew about keyword positioning in GA, so I can't say if it is accurate or not. But for me, the best way to find the keyword positioning of your site is through SERP because it's real time.

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    • Profile picture of the author elzorro2003
      Profile picture of elzorro2003
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Mike. So let me get this straight. My site has been ranking 27 for people who have been searching for things relevant to the search keyword already?

      However, anyone not searching for related keywords, my site will rank 500+? I've used 3 different rank page tools and they alll come up with 500+.

      This is REALLY strange. I get it, if maybe it's 27 and then 100 on the tool checkers. But 500+ seems very strange. If this really is how google works, then how the heck are you supposed to find keywords if there is that much discrepancy for people on their computers.

      By the way. As a test, I entered my keyword in google, and couldn't find my site in the top 50 positions.

      I wonder if there is another explanation for this?
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Another problem with 3rd party SERP checkers is they don't usually count the SERP positions for local packs (3-7 packs) or thumbnail images in organic text SERPs which skews the results (low quality data).
  • Profile picture of the author extremeboy
    Profile picture of extremeboy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Google results varies from those things:

    Google Region
    Your IP location
    Desktop OR mobile user

    And some other effect are not permanent cause by cookies,cache etc

    If you want to get accurate results searching manually then i do recommend.

    To use an Dedicated IP and use that in private browsing and use Firefox for better.

    And search your region you want to check rank on and use that same IP every time.

    Else you can get any rank tracker out their which worth to invest on.

    It's my little opinion.

    If want any help i'm here.
  • Profile picture of the author patco
    Profile picture of patco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This could be because of the lack of synchronization between different data centers which store this information. Not really sure, but there is no reason TWO different keywords to show you SO different results...

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  • Profile picture of the author khuram007
    Profile picture of khuram007
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Getting too serious without much thinking involved?
    Who sent you visitors?
    Who is managing your serp results?
    Who is a lier then?
    Other site(s).
    Big G wouldn't lie.
  • Profile picture of the author mivid
    Profile picture of mivid
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    5 months before I have also posted a similar post like this.

    As far as i know It is an average of search results that we are getting in webmaster tools. As most of the people said here seeing the search results in webmaster tools, don't think that you have got that keyword listed. It is just an average among all the Google domains. Of course it means you can focus on that keyword if it is related.

    I haven't found any trustable keyword position checking tool this far. So for my convenience i check the positions manually for main keywords and for others i use SERP checker.

    And the keyword positions vary if you are logged in to your Gmail account. So if you are going for the manual method clear browser history and try after logging out.

    Thank you.
  • Profile picture of the author turboshandy
    Profile picture of turboshandy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ^ I also check my position manually. But thanks for the logging out tip.. had never though of doing that

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