Can i improve my sales with SEO?

50 replies
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Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible and how?
#improve #sales #seo
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Yes and no. If you know that a certain percentage of your traffic from search engines converts getting more traffic from search would probably bring more sales. If you want to get more sales from your visitors, or increase the purchase per customer, that's known as conversion optimization.

    It's impossible to tell you how because you didn't share any information about your situation.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9985851].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author karishmasingla
    Yes, you can increase your sale with help of SEO.
    What you need is, focus on quality SEO.
    In off page seo you need to do content based seo.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    SEO is just all about driving targeted traffic to your site
    and that's all it does. How you go about it is your problem.

    And when it sends this traffic to your site, it's your
    website and product's job to convert it.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9985894].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alvinchua91
    What SEO does is to put your website in front of people looking for the type of products/services you sell.

    This funnels people into your website. Your website has thus need to be a powerful sales funnel with a clear call to action/lead page while being a corporate website (if you are a business).

    So basically this is how good SEO + a high converting website helps you get sales:
    i) People search for your product/service on Google
    ii) People find your website and click on it
    iii) People read the content and your about us
    iv) People contact you via email/call/contact form
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    I think the answer is definitely yes!
    With on page SEO, you will drive more traffic you way. But of course, you would need to concentrate lot on off page SEO, to be able to rank better and to try and brand your website, by building trust among your visitors so they will also buy from you. Just sending traffic to your site won't be enough, you need to convert your visitors into buyers as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author patco
    Of course. This is the main idea to do SEO. Get sales or clients!

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  • Profile picture of the author Yasin Rishad
    Heyy bro when you write an article and doing good seo normally we will get good visitor if your keyword is perfect with your site. So you can improve and increase your sale with doing better seo.
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  • Profile picture of the author zaccks
    SEO will bring visitors to your site and then you have convert those visitors into sales.

    SEO alone won't actually increase your sales, it depends on the services you offer, customer interaction on your website and other things you should consider.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible...
    No, because you don't know SEO.

    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    and how?
    Learn SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible and how?
    Yes you can improve your sales with SEO. It is possible as long as you optimize a keyword that you know people will be searching in order to find websites selling stuffs like yours.

    For example, you are selling Lenovo Laptops in San Diego.

    You should optimize keywords for this so that your site would appear in the top search engine results pages when these keywords are searched by customers. Your keywords would be something like:

    lenovo laptops for sale san diego
    discounted lenovo laptops san diego
    buy lenovo laptops san diego

    Make sure you include these keywords in your content, you may say something like:

    "If you are looking for the best lenovo laptops for sale in San Diego, you have come to the right site. In here we offer discounted lenovo laptops on selected specs. When you buy lenovo laptops here in our site, you will be given..."

    See to it that you mention your keywords naturally flowing in your paragraphs. You may also bold face your keywords, make it as a header, and towards the end of your paragraph it should again be mentioned.

    You can also make your keyword be in the title tag of your site.

    Get your site shared in twitter and facebook and all the other social networks.

    These are the things that can help you optimize your site in the Search Engine Results pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnkoko
    Hey Guy!
    SEO is a possess by which a website gets life. So it doesn't keep to wait that SEO don't improve your sale
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  • Profile picture of the author rahulmishra
    yes, you can, because seo is one best way to enhance the visibility of your website on search engine. Just you have to know how it will done.
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  • Profile picture of the author linathinfotech
    First of all find your niche and target your audience. You need to focus on your audience. Sometimes even rankings not that much helpful to increase sales. As you know rankings are not stay in top 10 forever. You should find sites where your most of audience spend their time.
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  • Profile picture of the author karishmasingla
    Yes, With SEO you can increase the sale of your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hemanth Malli

    Yes.., You can improve the sales with SEO.
    With the help of SEO you can increase your Web Traffic but, it mainly depends on Quality of the product and strategies you implement to convert this Web Traffic into sales...
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  • Profile picture of the author fugenxuae
    You can increase your sales through seo by visibling your website in the search engine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Riccur
    What kind of sales are you looking at getting more of on your site? Are you selling a particular product?
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  • Profile picture of the author vithobaaseo
    By doing organic SEO you can definitely improve your sales, but for that you have to work hard and wait patiently. The main process is to bring your "keywords" on top of the search engines. This is the only way to improve your sales by organic SEO. Nowadays most of them prefer PPC so that they can improve the sales very quickly..most of the product based companies are preferring PPC over SEO because the results can be obtained within a day.. People who have less money are going with organic SEO for a product based or ecommerece website..
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  • Profile picture of the author cookiesfromhome
    when we get ranked with SEO then sales are automatically improve.
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  • Profile picture of the author sheenagoyal13
    Yes, you can.but you should focus on quality of content. SEO also increase your site traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author NoOneCool
    Wow, completely useless question and thread (shakes head). This board is even worse now that its been sold.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShawnSwail
    Yes defiantly we can increase our online sales by SEO. SEO is the technique which is promote your website online in the relevant market and get top rank in the search engine. So that when any one would be type your keywords in the search engine then your website visible top of Google with organic search result then custom will visit at your website and buy your product online.

    Shawn Swail
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible and how?
    Without knowing more details around what you are doing it's hard to say. If you work on optimizing your site for SEO, in theory you should see more traffic, thus you should see more sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lee
    You should be asking how to increase your sales with SEO.

    The answer's an obvious yes so figure out which keywords would target your customers first.
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  • Profile picture of the author azad
    First find out the keywords that are:
    - Relevant to your product
    - Good amount of searches are made.
    - Not too much competition

    Then build a page to target that keyword. Do all necessary onpage SEO.

    They check who are ranking at top 3 positions. Check their backlinks. Then build more and better backlinks than those 3.

    You will get traffic and traffic leads to sales.
    Click Here to Get Facebook Ads Coupons || My Blog Internet Geeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author manojbhardwaj
    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible and how?
    Ok First off:

    Add blogs frequently, Use Google analytic, Reduce code bloat, Make each page unique, Remove repetitive wording from the website layout, Add footer links to every page, Create a separate web page for each keyword or keyword phrase, Use keyword rich title tags on each page and top of all make your site up buy using affordable web hosting.

    All the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author jerrodrobker
    Definietly SEO will increase your Sales. SEO will increase traffic to your website.And it'll help you to increase your sales normally.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Mazza
    Of course your sales will increase with good SEO. You just need to make sure you do SEO the right way. If you can bring your rank up while not spending too much in your effort you can certainly increase your sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author CJFinkle
      Assuming you know the proper way to utilize SEO for your given product, platform, etc. - then YES, you absolutely can increase sales potential. But aside from helping sales, it's generally a given to always make best use of SEO practices any chance you can.
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  • Profile picture of the author HuiBang
    There are several ways of improving sales with SEO efforts. Eliminate ineffective practices and replace them with content focused tactics.
    1. Follow proper keyword approach
    2. Optimize on-page elements such as Meta tags, sitemap, robots.txt
    3. Plan content based on your keywords and write for you readers.
    4. Avoid Low quality links (try to get high authoritative websites)
    5. Presence on Social Media
    6. Get listed on local directories
    If you think you have potential to improve the sales then thumbs up but if you think you lack on this then hire SEO professional
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  • Profile picture of the author suchiroy
    Off course, Its possible. If you able to convert your traffic into leads.
    So you need to drive more traffic for your website through best of SEO practices.
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  • Profile picture of the author sameera
    There are certain things which are also required to make SEO work in sales improvement. SEO can only bring traffic to your website, the other things which makes it work is website good user interface and easy navigation. There is a need to do conversion rate optimization where you can check every aspect i.e which area of website id performing well and which needs to get improved. Here is a checklist to determine if your website is optimized to improve conversions or not:
    > Check if your website is offering the similar services for which your customers are looking for
    > Check if your website navigation is simple and intuitive
    > Check if visitors are finding any difficulty in searching any product or service
    > Check if any distraction is happening on landing page which may cause high bounce rate.
    > Check if Call to Action is clearly visible or not

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  • Profile picture of the author jerrodrobker
    Getting more traffic will increase your sales. The more people will visit there's more chance to increase the the sell. Isn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by jerrodrobker View Post

      Getting more traffic will increase your sales. The more people will visit there's more chance to increase the the sell. Isn't it?
      You're selling non-targeted traffic so the answer is a resounding "NO".

      Also, one distorted comment per thread is enough. Isn't it?
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author curt3006
    I don't post here often but thought I'd chine in because most of the advice in this thread is horrible..

    Getting traffic via SEO takes a massive amount of effort.

    If you have a product, I would completely forget about ranking for anything but your products name.

    Now.. As for ranking for your products name, this is where SEO comes in.

    Your product site should rank number 1, and next you should have feeder sites with positive reviews and press ranking for the rest of the results.

    This will add credibility to your name and improve conversions across the board. Now you focus on other from of traffic, i.e. - instagram endorsements, media buying. People then google your name, see how much others like your product, and they are more likely to buy.

    And.. the best copy you can have is what other people say about you.

    As far as seo for traffic and sales. Complete waist. Focus on other forms of marketing and let the seo build naturally. Only do a small about of seo on feeder sites for your product name. And.. because your product name should have no competition, this takes a very small amount of effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author rahulmishra
    yes, you can, choose great keywords related to your business and ranked these and your sale automatically increased. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    I have no idea why anyone answers silly questions like these.

    They cannot be answered with anything worth a darn.

    We have no idea what he is selling.

    No idea what kind of sales pages he has.

    No idea if an increase in traffic specifically from SEO will lead to more sales.

    No idea what "improve" sales means. If you are selling only 1, then 2
    would be an improvement.

    People that sell things normally take charge of their situation. Not
    rely on SEO.

    We do know that google makes it's money by selling ads.

    Billions and billions. Even amazon buys ads.

    Makes you wonder why anyone with a straight face can say,

    "Sure, SEO will increase sales."

    There is also no guarantee that ads will increase sales.

    I could do seo and be first ranked. But someone has to want
    my product. They must click on my page when doing a search
    for a product. They must be sold by my sales page. If not,
    seo is meaningless.

    How much SEO does/did Best Buy do? And yet, they almost
    tossed in the towel to amazon.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

    Simply saying that SEO will increase sales is utter nonsense.

    Which is more nonsense, asking or answering? Sometimes I wonder.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author mikfoxx
    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible and how?
    Yes! Improving your sale through SEO is definitely possible. Through Social Media Marketing and other seo strategies, your sale will surely have a boost.
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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by mikfoxx View Post

      Through Social Media Marketing and other seo strategies, your sale will surely have a boost.
      Social media marketing is not a "SEO strategy".
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10041347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AadhyaMehra
    Do content based SEO and quality SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author somyasharma
    Yes, You can improve your sales via SEO campaign. You need to focus on quality SEO. Few tactics, I discussed below here:
    1. Improve Content, it is the more important factor. And, post the content on several social networking platform. So, that people capture your business. Content should be unique and relevant.
    2. On Site SEO
    3. Build Quality backlinks for your business
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  • Profile picture of the author amutechnologies
    Yes, you can do it through quality SEO work. But you need to know how to implement it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Attie25
    Surely this will happen if you do SEO properly and regularly .
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  • Profile picture of the author 2GuysHigh
    I think that you might be missing the point. An optimized website will increase your rankings but that doesn't necessarily increase sales there are a whole other myriad of factors that come into play.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdmanikict
    Originally Posted by nsinalis11 View Post

    Hi i want to know if i can improve my sales with seo is this possible and how?
    Why not? If you improve your targeted keywords ranking as well you can get huge traffics and improve your sales too!
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      No, you cannot. SEO will improve your ranking. If the page that ranks is making you sales and it ranks for a keyword people looking to buy what you're selling use to search, you'll make more sale because your pages is going to be found by more people.

      If, on the other hand, your page doesn't convert now, getting it seen by more people means you'll have more people that see it but don't buy.

      Your question is a lot like this one:
      Can I sell more bread if I open a shop in a busy mall? The answer is the same: if it's bread that sells, yes. If it's not, no.

      I don't know if you know, but a lot of shops that open in busy malls go out of business.

      Same with ranking high in Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author amutechnologies
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  • Profile picture of the author navjotvashist
    Yes you can increase sales with SEO, But adwords marketing along with seo would be gold.
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