Yoast SEO Question please.

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Hi all.
I'm using the SEO optimization tool in Yoast and I notice that the keyword count that Yoast shows is far off from the actual count. For instance, On one of my pages I have my keyword 6 times in a long page of content, but Yoast shows the keyword count to be 2. I don't get it. Is there some reason Yoast only sees the keyword twice? And worst yet, is the google bot only seeing it twice as well? Any help would be appreciated.
#question #seo #yoast
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    It's really hard to say why this happens without seeing the actual problem. However, Yoast's simple helper tool has nothing to do with Google's spiders or results.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10018715].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author strangebrew1961
      Originally Posted by nettiapina View Post

      It's really hard to say why this happens without seeing the actual problem. However, Yoast's simple helper tool has nothing to do with Google's spiders or results.
      Great. Thank you. I couldn't imagine it did, but this is the first time I've used Wordpress. I'm much more familiar with Dreamweaver.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10018769].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SEO-Dave
    Originally Posted by strangebrew1961 View Post

    Hi all.
    I'm using the SEO optimization tool in Yoast and I notice that the keyword count that Yoast shows is far off from the actual count. For instance, On one of my pages I have my keyword 6 times in a long page of content, but Yoast shows the keyword count to be 2. I don't get it. Is there some reason Yoast only sees the keyword twice? And worst yet, is the google bot only seeing it twice as well? Any help would be appreciated.
    The keyword focus concept is so flawed it's worthless.

    Let's assume for one minute there is a perfect keyword density (there isn't but just for this argument....) and we want it between 2% and 4%.

    So we create a WordPress post with 1,000 words and KD of exactly 3% for a two word phrase, we used the phrase 30 times.

    We publish the post and run the actual webpage through a keyword density tool and find the density is no longer 3% because the Yoast focus tool doesn't take into account the content in the head area, footer area and sidebars. We modify the content to get the perfect 3% and move on.

    First thing you should realize from this is if you think KD per se is a factor, the Yoast check is pointless, use an external tool so you get an accurate number.

    A week passes and it's a popular article and it's generated 20+ comments, again checking keyword density we find the KD is no where near 3%, are we going to modify the content, the comments, both???

    The Yoast Focus tool is a waste of time.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10018850].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by SEO-Dave View Post

      The keyword focus concept is so flawed it's worthless.
      I'm not into keywords densities myself, but the keyword tool is so naive and simplistic that it's worthless.

      My native language has synthetic structures and composite words, both concepts that Google knows perfectly well. (Although it's still a very good idea to help them as much as you can.) Yoast can't do anything to these. Even if your language isn't breaking the tool it just doesn't see the variations in keywords that Google probably picks up.
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10019100].message }}

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