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  • SEO
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Hi. I know a little bit about very basic seo & have used the All in One plugin for my wp sites. Recently I have been using Yoast.

I have two new sites 3 weeks, old each with about 26 pages - same theme. Site 1 has a static front page & I think I have both the All in One & Yoast plugin activated on that site (need to check I guess). Site 2 does not have a static page.

Site 2 has 17 pages indexed. Site 1 has 3. I Have not done or have any backlinking yet.

Today I noticed that the footer of Site 1 has 13 of it's longtail keywords in it, being in the footer they appear on every page.

Is that the problem with only having 3 pages indexed? Do I need to go into the footer css and take care of the 13 keywords appearing on every page?

Thanks for any help.
#keyword #stuffing
  • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
    Are you using categories? What's the actual purpose of those links in the first place -- why are they keyword stuffed and what do they point to?

    There's a bunch of factors, but having those type of links in the footer is a red flag so it could be a big part of it.

    Not having built any links yet is another part. Newer sites have a harder time staying completely indexed until Google figures out the structure and you get some links going into it.

    If you have to, put the links onto 1 page of your site, then link to that page in the footer.

    I can't say what will happen, other than that page isn't really going to rank, but it may allow the rest of the site to get some traction. I'd get rid of them completely if you don't need them.

    Just noticed you're in NE FL. Where at?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Dean
      Yes I use categories. The keywords in the footer aren't links just text separated by commas. I must have somehow accidentally pasted them there, not sure how I managed to do that unknowingly lol.
      Rush PBN - PRO PBN SETUP - 10 PAGE SITE !!! Premium Theme
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Dean
      Rush PBN - PRO PBN SETUP - 10 PAGE SITE !!! Premium Theme
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  • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
    Ahh, yeah, take them out then. I thought they were linked to something.
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  • Profile picture of the author agarwalaman404
    Webpages are often filled with repetitive usage of keywords, this is called keyword stuffing. Repeating your keywords in an unnatural way is not good for your users and often results in a lower - not higher, ranking in Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Originally Posted by Tom Dean View Post

    I think I have both the All in One & Yoast plugin activated on that site (need to check I guess).
    That's not a good idea. I'd guess that one of them might switch the other or itself off in some manner, but it's possible that they'll make a mess.

    Originally Posted by Tom Dean View Post

    Is that the problem with only having 3 pages indexed? Do I need to go into the footer css and take care of the 13 keywords appearing on every page?
    I'm not sure why that number of pages would be a problem.

    Really hard to say if those keywords hinder your site. Probably not. If they're related to the whole site, they're probably ok.

    If you need to remove them don't take them out with CSS. You should see how they got there, and remove them either from footer.php, widgets, or some other place.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
    Sweet, what part of Jacksonville? I'm in Orange Park.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wuconnect
    To my knowledge keyword stuffing doesn't really do you any good. I don't know how it works with google algorithms or SEO in general.. but I was told it's often un-necessary and can hurt your page ranking in the long run.

    Best thing would to be to focus on a few keywords and have them used in THE MOST NATURAL WAY POSSIBLE. Readers aren't stupid..and will pick up on this fast. Google will follow suit after. I've tried this in the past, it didn't end well for me (in my experiences lol)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Dean
    10 years ago lol I heard about keyword stuffing (here) to trick google. Seemed the thing to do, so I followed the crowd and stuffed keywords in the bottom of my html sites & colored the text white on a white background. Didn't end well.

    Thanks for all the help. The problem seems to be having both seo plugins activated. I made a mistake where I inputted the keywords. All fixed up now and I didn't have to touch the css.

    @ Synnuh I'm in bay meadows.
    Rush PBN - PRO PBN SETUP - 10 PAGE SITE !!! Premium Theme
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