Why hasn't this forum got sticky question topics?

by 3 replies
...because it's completely tedious for anyone with a vague idea of what you need to do to trawl through pages of "what is seo", "how can I rank my site for better PR", "what is keyword density" and "please tell me how to rank my site and make lots of money" posts.
#search engine optimization #forum #question #sticky #topics
  • If there was a more active moderation of the forum, sticky posts would not be needed. Since there is not, a few stickies might help. I have a feeling most of the crappy posters here would just skip them and keep posting their useless drivel though.
  • There used to be some time a go, you can still find the post somewhere in this forum
    • [1] reply
    • Yeah, at one time there were actually way too many sticky threads. You had to scroll down in your browser before you would even get to the regular threads. (Of course it is that way again now with that stupid description of the sub-forum that was added to the top most likely because they hired an "SEO" that told them they needed to add content.)

      I asked Paul to condense them into one thread with a link to each of them, which made the forum more manageable. It helped for awhile, but we got rid of that when we had mods dedicated to the SEO forum that could clean up the mess.

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    ...because it's completely tedious for anyone with a vague idea of what you need to do to trawl through pages of "what is seo", "how can I rank my site for better PR", "what is keyword density" and "please tell me how to rank my site and make lots of money" posts.