how to find .edu, .gov site list for comment marketing

by 8 replies
How can I find .edu, .gov site list by using search engine for comment marketing.
#search engine optimization #comment #find #gov #list #marketing #site
  • "Comment marketing" is a meaningless phrase. You're looking to spam blogs, that's what you're asking.

    This is obviously a pointless idea and stupid waste of time, but you can find this stuff from the other "edu gov" thread on the front of WF SEO.
  • Simple: You don`t!
    You realize that the internet is full of people who would spam even their mother`s blog.
    You realize that you are better than this. You start reading the forum and concentrate on your content and on page SEO.

    Or: You become a douche, you spam all the websites you can and you later come here asking us why do we think Google put you in your place along with the other SEO gurus who are "comment marketing".

    You have your choice. What it`s going to be? The blue pill or the red pill? Chose wisely.
    • [1] reply
    • @coolaij12

      Didn`t you read the posts above you?
      Considering you have a SEO blog, some might have expected another response from you...
      • [1] reply
  • Search in google for " DoFollow .ORG Backlinks " and " DoFollow .EDU Backlinks "

    I suggest you to take the advice of Mr HCFGrizzly
  • Banned
  • You can type in google “blog” “forums” “comments” “log in / create account” inurl:blog “seo”

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