Found A Technique To Rank For Anything In 6 Weeks

by 18 replies
I'm looking for testimonials or case studies of anyone who has signed up for RYS Academy to rank their properties at will for any keyword they want.

So far I have used a few tips that have been extremely beneficial to index new pages in less than 30 seconds. Very mind blowing stuff!

Now looking at implementing the strategies to rank at will. Hopefully someone else in this forum has any experience they can share with the rest of us.

Thanks for reading!
#search engine optimization #found #rank #rys academy #seo #technique #weeks
  • 75% commission; keep trying!

    Best thing about them; they have a great funnel setup.
    I may look closer at that; as far as their program, looks like more BS for suckers.
  • Banned
    I could have told you that for free.

    "Mind Blowing"

    Only 1197$!
    • [2] replies
    • Good Luck!
      Don't get your hopes up too much though...
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • Isn't there a saying that goes, "you get what you pay for"?

      That information was just a tip of the iceberg. I have yet to dive into the juicy material and apply it.
      • [1] reply
  • Banned
    He went from selling cell phone cases at a mall kiosk in Fargo, North Dakota to ranking for the keyword auto insurance in 6 weeks.

    True story.
    • [1] reply
    • Are you talking about the author of RYS Academy?
      • [1] reply
  • As you signed up here in 2007, then you must be well aware of the CB-type sales pages that were everywhere c. 2011 before the FTC put the boot in.
    This looks like one of those, so one would have thought you wouldn't need to be asking such a question.

    If you are looking for testimonials, they are right there on the sales page, with everyone proudly announcing how quickly their stuff got indexed.
    but nobody saying "if you visit my site I will tell you how much money I made using this program."

    Looks like the same old, same old to me with whoever is behind it is trying to emulate Becker... and look at all those affiliate pages in the SERP's!

    For me it's a $1997 Fail.

    For a fraction of that I would sooner sign up for MikeF's course, that's the guy you just insulted, because he knows about proper SEO and doesn't have to pretend or use smoke and mirror tactics.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • If that's the caliber of the "information" I'd call it a shiteberg instead, so you better hope that there's something worthwhile waiting for you.

      If you're honestly a customer (doesn't look so from Mike P.'s findings) and it's one of those drip feed courses where you get only a small chunk at a time I suspect one of the forthcoming lessons is about long-tail keywords. That is, ranking for something that's easy to rank for, not "anything".

      Here's another little spoiler: you can't rank for anything you want in six weeks just by ordering an expensive course. That's bollocks. On the other hand if you've got reasonable expectations it's indeed possible to rank something in six weeks.
      • [1] reply
  • I actually recommend that you all Google for this shit because it's comedy gold. I guess these guys are serious, but it looks like someone did the sales page for the lulz.

    "Over the shoulder training videos" - I'd love to see this futuristic hologram stuff.
    "you will know exactly how to use Google Properties for CRAZY ranking ability"
    "Our Quick and Effective Trust Flow Manipulation Method."
    "Learn how to build your Twitter Trust Flow and Topical Trust Flow"

    This is four of their five selling points. I'm not making this up to be funny.

    According to the video they'll teach you to "cut the cost to the absolute minimum". I guess that doesn't include the course price...
    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      I went looking for reviews but it's mostly spam and junk.

      Check this dude out -> Real User Reviews @ SourceDigest |

      RYS Academy | Real User Reviews @ SourceDigest

      Pro backlinks as well. He's got a PBN and 20k nofollow links and everything. Favicon is hostgator so I'm not going to bother to see what the host is. I think I'm going to bookmark that site to see how long it takes for panda to maul that site.

      All of the content is 250 words of unique content barfed into a template. Edit: no it's just a template. It's not unique at all.

      If the owner of what-ever-that-is reads, PM me, we need to have a chat.
      • [1] reply
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • Banned

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  • 18

    I'm looking for testimonials or case studies of anyone who has signed up for RYS Academy to rank their properties at will for any keyword they want. So far I have used a few tips that have been extremely beneficial to index new pages in less than 30 seconds. Very mind blowing stuff!