Question regarding buying relevant domains with relevant backlinks and pointing them all to my site.

The Intern
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I have a super small niche I am building a site for.. Lots of sites come and go in this niche and spam is not something this niche really has to worry about or has any grounds in. It's not a money making niche so the rules are a bit different in that respect.

My main question is this. I have collected a list of about 10 or 20 domains that have between 10 and 100 backinks that are all relevant to my niche.

If I BUY ALL of these domains, let say 10 of them or hell all 20 of them and forward them to my main site. Will this help my site in the eyes of google, hurt my site in the eyes of google, or neither? Other than the obvious traffic I might get from the back links I want to know if that link juice will flow to my site if I have all these domains forwarded to mine. Right now with my registrar I could buy 10 domains and easily have 100 very nice backlinks that are clean, no spam, more than relevant, etc,. Should I or should I not? Will it help or will it not? How does linkjuice work in this situation of forwarding traffic through domains like this.

As always, thank you for your answers!

The Intern
#backlinks #buying #domains #pointing #question #relevant #site

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