Same website on different server - bad for seo?

by wmike
3 replies
  • SEO
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If I create a subdomain on another server to host a minor site of my main site, would this hurt Google ranking?
#bad #seo #server #website
  • Profile picture of the author Svl SEO
    Bad for SEO Same website on different server, No update for same website.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Mirror sites are not bad just because.

    There are numerous reasons for having mirror sites, like geographical, server loads, etc. It's a very common thing.

    In fact, for reasons above, it can help your seo. You can steer visitors to the one that will load fastest for them, for example.

    Having the same content at as just for the sake of two websites, probably not a great idea.

    But has a zillion sites on a zillion domains with only slight variation of the front page.

    You cannot make a blanket statement about mirror sites and bad for seo.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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    • Profile picture of the author whitecap
      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      Mirror sites are not bad just because.

      There are numerous reasons for having mirror sites, like geographical, server loads, etc. It's a very common thing.

      In fact, for reasons above, it can help your seo. You can steer visitors to the one that will load fastest for them, for example.

      Having the same content at as just for the sake of two websites, probably not a great idea.

      But has a zillion sites on a zillion domains with only slight variation of the front page.

      You cannot make a blanket statement about mirror sites and bad for seo.


      So if i am having unique content on both the main site and the child site - it wont hurt right? in terms of SEO ofcourse.
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