Multiple Address in the footer

4 replies
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Is having multiple address in the footer or in the body section bad for Local SEO?
#address #footer #multiple
  • Profile picture of the author DavePipitone
    Are you talking about physical location addresses, like street, city, state & zip?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Boggs
    I would say in short yes. The longer reason: I advocate setting up a page to act as a home page for GMB for each location. (disclaimer I have only worked with US GMB and not My belief is that if you are running multiple full addresses site-wide, you are diluting each location page's strength. If you have three locations within close proximity, then maybe it could help, but if the locations are more than a usual Google "local zone" apart it makes more sense to have one page list all the corporate locations with full addresses and link to a sub page for each of those, making them the GMB home page. They should perform better for mobile individually.

    I am still testing this currently in a couple cases, but one implementation has delivered better organic listings below the map, with first page for both locations (broad "nj" and "nyc" + keyword). I need to get better local mobile data to see the true map performance for each listing, but having set up the two local pages does seem to have helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author Endrue11
    I don't understand your queries please clear your query.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOtraveler
    It could just be way more beneficial if you`d create separate local landings for each location (you can list all addresses on your Contact page, linking each to the corresponding landing). Same way you should add all locations to your GMB (here are the guidelines for that:

    You may lose a lot of local ranking potential neglecting that or just targeting a country/state. Ideally, you should optimize each local landing separately for each location name. This will also raise your chances to rank for 'near me' searches.

    The way it is, it`s just making each of your locations less visible and relevant to each specific neighborhood it is in.
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