PBN - I fcked up (two domains on same C class) what now?

7 replies
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I added a new domain to my PBN network about ½ weeks ago. I ordered hosting at a popular hosting that I had used for a previous domain, but when I checked the server IPs it only had different D class, all the other classes matched for the two domains..

I have already added an article to it exactly a week ago, but haven't seen any rank increase, which I find weird because it is a good domain - do you think that is because it has same A,B,C classes as a previous backlink domain?

Now, the question is, can I do anything to fix this? Perhaps change the hosting?
#class #domains #fcked #pbn
  • Profile picture of the author TKzTechnology
    The server IPs of the two domains are like this:
    D1: xx.xxx.103.189
    D2: xx.xxx.103.85
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Not seeing a ranking change within a week doesn't mean a thing. It might take several weeks or over a month to see a difference.

    If you are worried about the hosting situation, change the host. Pretty simple to move the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    A week is nothing. Many site owners have to wait for weeks or maybe couple of months.
    SEO Motionz Forum & Blog- Digital Marketing Forum & Blog,
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    • Profile picture of the author TKzTechnology
      I usually start to see results in a weeks time - but that's not really the main concern I have. Will it be bad for my serps that I have two domains with so similar IPs?

      MikeFriedman an
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by TKzTechnology View Post

        I usually start to see results in a weeks time - but that's not really the main concern I have. Will it be bad for my serps that I have two domains with so similar IPs?

        MikeFriedman an
        Managing a private network is all about managing risk.

        It won't hurt your rankings, but you are taking a bigger risk of Google identifying it as a network by having the sites hosted together.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    You're basing the rank time on SERP competition, so, try to rank for a weak/er keyword and see what happens. Should rank pretty easy.

    My point is, it could simply be SERP competition and Google might care less about the host.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    Are you worried about being penalised or the ranking boost not working?
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