Keyword Research Tools (Moz), LongTail Pro, KeywordsEverywhere software, incorrect results?

Profile picture of alex93
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Hi, I've been using Moz, LongTail Pro, and KeywordsEverywhere to find keyword relating to my niche, some of the results differ greatly between different software programs.

This begs the question as to, how is it possible to find a program with accurate results, will give you an example here.

Keywordseverywhere (free program) reports this keyword as the following

keyword searches CPC Competition 0-100
ps4 horror games 2015 260 $14.30 0.05

keyword searches CPC Competition
ps4 horror games 2015 100-1k $0.00 Low

This happens on multiple programs, so how does anyone truely know beforehand?

Really confusing.

#incorrect #keyword #keywordseverywhere #longtail #moz #pro #research #results #software #tools
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  • Profile picture of the author dddougal
    Profile picture of dddougal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is really no way of knowing, you need to just use your common sense as well as tbe tools
  • Profile picture of the author teepleb
    Profile picture of teepleb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    There is no true "accurate" application that will give you the best options possible. That is why there are so many to choose from and alternatives being built or found all the time. I have used Majestic, Moz, Google Keyword Planner,, KWFinder, etc.

    If I were you, I would use these tools with a grain of salt and not make them gospel. Take the most relevant data you can from each and conduct manual research - that's the most effective way I have found.

    Typically a pretty good start to finding keywords is to start with what people are finding your site under (Search Console). Generate a base list of what you want (or trying) to rank for and see if there are any correlations.

    To make a long story short - I have always found the "manual" way of generating keyword lists or research to be the most effective in terms of ROI.
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