How to get found locally with multiple locations

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  • SEO
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I do SEO for a website with multiple businesses distributed throughout the country. Currently, the local businesses have their own websites, but we are migrating these websites to one new website where the local businesses have their own pages. This means that the website has multiple contact addresses. The goal is to have the local businesses found locally on Google. So, my main question is: What is the best way for each business to be found locally when there are multiple local businesses on a single domain? Any tips / how to's to achieve this, would help tremendously.
#found #locally #locations #multiple
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  • Profile picture of the author solutionstechly
    As you are migrating your all websites to one new website where the local businesses have their own pages so I suggest you keywords having location name.
    For example if you have location name "xyz" so page may be so you should use keywords like "my services in xyz" and so on.
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