Any SEO Guru, please help me to solve this problem ?

Profile picture of PhaniS
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
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I tell my problem very clearly .

I have very low competitive keyword with high volume . For that keyword I was in 4th page .

My Target audience are Indians .

My server location is also from India .

I am targeting the keyword that has high volume from India .

But ,

My competitor went to first place in Google for my keyword but he is targeting another keyword .

Eg : My keyword - house .
Competitor keyword - houses .

Above are example keywords .

His audience are from US and server location also from US . But how he got first place for my keyword .

How I need to take further step .

And one Important thing is : I wrote 4000 + word blog post for my targeting keyword . But my opponent not even have 700 words .

Please help me . Thank you .
#guru #problem #seo #solve
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    Profile picture of tritrain
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are a lot of factors that go into determining position in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). Based on loosely scientific evidence people have managed to figure out many of them. Google changes the rules a little bit almost weekly.

    Look at his backlinks. Mostly quality, but also quantity of them.
    The age of his site.
    His on-page SEO
    Other methods in which he gets traffic, which does factor in.
    It goes on and on.

    You can try to duplicate his efforts by getting the same or similar backlinks (easier said than done). You can make your site as SEO-friendly as you are able. You can look at each search engines' Webmaster Tools, for anything you can do to improve things, and fix them.

    Yet, you may still not be able to rank as well as your competitor.

    Do everything you can, but don't forget social media, advertising and website promotion, to name a few. Traffic, as long as it is good quality, does not matter where it comes from.

    Just keep writing great articles and doing everything else to the best of your ability, it will work out for you.
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