Severe Inconsistency In Top Rated Tools For: Keyword, Competition and Backlink Analysis

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[B]Severe Inconsistency In Top Rated Tool For Keyword, Competition and Backlink Analysis...[/B

I will try to make this simple and brief as possible.There IS a question here. There are countless tools available that are both free and paid that are used to assist you in Keyword Research, Competition/Competitor Analysis, Backlink Profiling, Backlink Analysis, and more.

What is my problem? - All 4 sites/tools below are in the top 10 tools for the mentioned areas. Let's make it simple by looking at a SINGLE metric from each tool. The same single metric from each tool. Let's look at the number of backlinks the example site has in each tool.

For illustrative purposes, I have chosen a random website and ran its root domain through 4 separate services. Each of which performs roughly the same tasks and each of which is rated as the top tool. Superior to the other. If you're on this site and reading this then you've likely use, have used or have heard of them. They are Ahrefs, Majestic, MOZ Open Site Explorer, SEMrush.

Ahrefs - Backlink Profile
------ Backlinks ------
78 Referring Domains
8.44K Total Links


SEMrush - Backlink Profile
------ Backlinks ------
43 Referring Domains
1.6k Total Links


Moz - Backlink Profile (Open Site Explorer) -
------ Backlinks ------
16 Referring Domains
2.4k Total Links


Majestic - Site Explorer
------ Backlinks ------
1.3 Total Links

It's not just the backlinks either as none of the metrics are even close to being the same but in my current case, the backlinks are the most important metric. How do you decide which tool to go with? I would REALLLLLY REALLY appreciate some answers to this from you all.

As always, thanks in advance and have a great day!

#analysis #backlink #backlink tools #competition #competition analysis #inconsistency #keyword #keyword research tools #rated #seo tools #severe #tools #top
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  • Profile picture of the author DeveloperDan
    Bump for some answers, thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11287140].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    There is no one most accurate tool.

    Generally speaking, Ahrefs finds the most links, but their metrics are garbage. Majestic's metrics are a little better, but they may not find as many links as Ahrefs all of the time. Usually, the discrepancy is not very big and both of them are rarely missing what I would consider to be good links.

    Moz is awful. Always has been. They rarely find many links.

    None of the tools are ever going to give you the same picture that Google has. None of them have the same resources as Google to crawl and index the entire internet, so they are all going to miss links.

    Just from my experience, I would say they usually miss at least half of the links to any given webpage.
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    • Profile picture of the author DeveloperDan
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      There is no one most accurate tool.

      Generally speaking, Ahrefs finds the most links, but their metrics are garbage. Majestic's metrics are a little better, but they may not find as many links as Ahrefs all of the time. Usually, the discrepancy is not very big and both of them are rarely missing what I would consider to be good links.

      Moz is awful. Always has been. They rarely find many links.

      None of the tools are ever going to give you the same picture that Google has. None of them have the same resources as Google to crawl and index the entire internet, so they are all going to miss links.

      Just from my experience, I would say they usually miss at least half of the links to any given webpage.
      Yeah, I agree MOZ has always been awful when it comes to the tools they have. They should devote all those resources to more guide sad tutorials which they are able to do good.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11288759].message }}
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